Which UC's should I choose? Which do I TAG?

Hello everyone! I’m currently a Sociology major at a community college looking to transfer to a UC. I’m an officer in two clubs, and have plenty of extra-curriculars lined up from high school. I’ve maintained a 4.0 GPA from high school through college. I should have nothing to worry about with admissions, but I am worrying like crazy!

My main choice would be UCLA or UCB, but I am afraid I will not be able to get in at all. I am currently in a situation where I want to choose between UCI and UCSB to TAG, as a backup. I am looking for schools that are in great cities. I don’t like parties or extremely loud, social environments. I want to feel safe in a place where I can enjoy clubs and social life peacefully, while also studying and accomplishing my degree goals. I would prefer a city that also has opportunities for internships or jobs related to my major, and one with at least some degree of housing opportunities that are not ridiculously expensive.

Does anyone have advice on whether I should TAG UCSB or UCI, or if I missed UCs that fit the bill for me? I would prefer one with a stellar social science department, and one that fits the other criteria I mentioned above. I have been researching relentlessly and keep going in circles. It would be lovely to also hear from people who have attended!

P.S. If you think a school outside of the UC system would fit me more, please do share. I am not restricting myself to just UCs. I am okay with CSUs and other schools.

Tag the school that feels right for you.