<p>I'm in the market to buy some AP Preparation books, is it a good idea to buy the new 2010 version.</p>
<p>It seems that those are $12, while the 2008 or 2009 versions are $4-$5 used. </p>
<p>I'm planning on this:</p>
<p>AP HUG - Barrons (2010 or 2008?)
AP Statistics - Bought the 2009 Princeton Review/5 Steps to a 5 2008-2009
AP Chemistry - Princeton Review? (2009 or 2010?) I already bought the 5 steps to a 5.
AP Microeconomics - Princeton Review? (2009 or 2010?) 5 Steps to a 5?
AP Macroeconomics - Princeton Review? (2009 or 2010?) 5 Steps to a 5?
AP US History - Bought AMESCO. Princeton Review? (2009 or 2010?)
AP Psych - Bought Barron's second edition and 5 steps to a 5.</p>
<p>What should I buy in terms of version number?</p>
<p>From my experience, the AP tests [and the test prep books that go along with it] do not differ from year to year too greatly. </p>
<pre><code> In fact, in Bio, my teacher purchased the new version and compared it to the old one [2009 and 2010]. The new one has a butterfly on it [much more appealing than the old one] and a few chapters that are rearranged. Plus some new concept maps. However, the same material, essentially, was retained for the exam.
For Micro I have Five Steps though I’ve heard good reviews about Princeton [albeit a few mistakes on practice tests here and there, but otherwise, good]. Five Steps will always be superior in my eye, however, after the 5 I got in Lang thanks to it.
I’m biased, though…and Princeton Review is solid. Barron’s, however, at least for Biology…reads like a textbook. Not sure about the other versions. It will be sure to prepare you well though.
<p>Any advice for the other ones?</p>
<p>AMSCO is really all you need for a 5 on US. I had both AMSCO and PR, and PR was really just a waste. I think I read through about half of it before giving it up and just sticking to AMSCO. If you need some practice, you can always find released MC online.</p>