Whipped up my UC essay #1 in 30 minutes. Need readers

<p>I got rid of my old one and went in a completely different direction.</p>

<p>I did this in about 30 minutes, tons of errors probably. I'm also not sure if it's long enough.</p>

<p>Anyway I would appreciate if some people could help me out and give some suggestions.</p>

<p>Post and I'll PM you it.</p>


<p>I'd be happy to take a look at it.</p>

<p>ok, send it, i'll fix it</p>

<p>I hate you for being able to write an essay in 30 minutes :)</p>

<p>i want to take a look at it too
PM me</p>

<p>i'll take a look</p>

<p>damn sorry i didn't respond. i ended up making some changes. any more readers?</p>

<p>I'll take a look too</p>

<p>Id like to see what you came up with in 30 minutes as well...</p>

<p>i'll take a look if you want another opinion</p>

<p>I'll take a look</p>

<p>should i put three-years-old or just "three" when talking about age in a personal statement</p>

<p>"at age three" </p>

<p>haha i wrote both essays (1040 words) in an hour then spent hela time editing them. :(</p>

<p>Send it here if you still need help</p>

<p>wow that's impressive sure i'll read it</p>

<p>i feel like the more i read over my essays, the more i find mistakes that don't exist but i make them somehow exist somehow someway....ugh! i just wanna be done with all this</p>

<p>ah sorry guys, i've been pretty busy with thanksgiving weekend and all. i finally have some time to get back to this. i'll send my essay right now</p>

<p>you can send</p>