Who can help me with my homework??

<p>Yes, it is REALLY for me, not my kids </p>

<p>I need data for an assignment I'm working on (due next month). I need to find several people who learned English as a second language. Preferably as an older child or adult, where you clearly remember learning English and any struggles you had. </p>

<p>It would just be answering a couple questions about idioms. Please PM/email me if you'd like to participate!</p>

<p>(nothing secret, I just may ask your age/gender and don't know how many people want to make that "public" knowledge.....I won't need to know any other personal details)</p>

<p>Thanks in advance</p>

<p>i spoke english when i learnt to speak, so can't really help you there. :o</p>

<p>I'll help. English is my third language (from age 11) after Swedish (since birth) and French (from age 6).</p>

<p>English 3rd Language..that sounds weird...anyways.. i had it as a 2nd language but never really had prob ..was as it come to be a second 1st language for me</p>

<p>thisyearsgirl.....congrats on turning to a senior member</p>

<p>thanks smartmind! :)</p>