Who else has this "teacher rec not received by school" problem?

<p>So, several colleges have notified me that my teacher recs which were done online through commonapp didn't make it! The counselor submitted his on paper so is that where the problem comes from? What should I do? I don't like commonapp online!!!!!</p>

<p>That happened to me with my Carleton app. Maybe they just havent processed it yet?</p>

<p>Yeah none of my colleges say they’ve received them yet. Maybe they haven’t downloaded them yet?</p>

<p>My school report, counselor and teacher recs were submitted 12/1 and my colleges have not downloaded them yet.???</p>

<p>^ Yes. I think CommonApp’s rec system is messed up. This actually happened to me before for EA.</p>

<p>WashU finally downloaded mine. I guess my other colleges will do it later</p>

<p>“Thank you for the message.
Each school has their own time frame on when they initiate the download / export process. You may want to speak with the official at each school responsible for this process. At times, you may be speaking with an office worker that has no knowledge of the online system their school uses. A lot of times, those workers will tell students their applications are not received because they do not have a paper copied that was mailed to them, although the student submitted online. I hope this clears the process up for you.
Again, thank you for the message and please let us know if you have further questions.
The Support Team”</p>

<p>I’m having the same problem =(</p>

<p>So though the school says they haven’t recieved our teacher recs, we shouldnt do anything?</p>

<p>Just wait and wait at least till end of this month, i guess…
The adcoms must be flooded with applications and other documents at this time…
Take pity on them…
Like my friend said, “Patience is golden virtue”</p>

yeah the same thing has happened to me for carleton… not jus for carl… but for about 5 other colleges!!!</p>