<p>Who has an active email address under Campus Email Address??</p>
<p>my D does! what does it mean?</p>
<p>i think it means she is accepted… did ur D apply for scholarships?</p>
<p>ummm…my D had one last year at this time and was waitlisted…not sure what that means, but just putting it out there…</p>
<p>I don’t.</p>
<p>But I don’t think it means anything.</p>
<p>^yes she applied for scholarship…</p>
<p>does anyone remember if this email was set-up since the very beginning or it just appears today? i don’t remember seeing it before today but i might be wrong!</p>
<p>maybe it’s for waitlisted and accepted?</p>
<p>and what about you LILLIAN09 do you have that email showing too??</p>
<p>are people oxford applicants or emory applicants?</p>
<p>no i dont have an activated email–but theyre looking at my financial aid stuff…so not entirely losing hope</p>
<p>I was waitlisted ED II and have nothing about a campus e-mail address.</p>
<p>^ my D applied to both( but the email is specific : it says: <a href=“mailto:..@Emory.edu”>…@Emory.edu</a>) and LILIAN09 the process is not over yet…good luck…</p>
<p>this is why CC is not always the best thing-it makes u wonder and wonder and wonder and fret over things like periods and question marks and words and hyperlinks… anyway, congrats in advance for ur D. im pretty sure shes in with that :)</p>
<p>^we never know… it might be a wrong tip! my D herself is saying that it doesn’t mean nothing! we need to wait i guess for the official letter!</p>
<p>ps: and btw it looks like i am the only one with an active e-mail? …very strange!</p>
<p>i think your daughter’s the only one who applied to oxford and emory</p>
<p>^ yes maybe …(she applied to Oxford as a safety.)… but what it has to do with the activated e-mail?</p>
<p>Im just about positive that if you have an active email then you were accepted. It happened at the College of Charleston this year…thats how i knew i was accepted before getting my letter =)</p>
she must have gotten the activated email because of her being accepted to oxford?</p>
<p>your posts indicate a strong possibility of her getting accepted therere.</p>
<p>But it doesn’t mean you were rejected, either.</p>
<p>They just may not have decided you, yet.</p>
<p>I know I’m atleast going to get waitlisted or accepted to Emory (this is not meant to be arrogant in any way) so the fact that I have no e-mail account doesn’t mean anything.</p>
<p>And I still have 2 outstanding financial aid items to send in, so that could mean something too.</p>
<p>yes… it could be… but why it doesn’t say: <a href=“mailto:....@Oxford.edu”>…@Oxford.edu</a> or …@ OxfordEmory.edu…( as you know both admission offices are not related) it should be 2 different email addresses ( one for her to use with Oxford and one for her to use with Emory…)
well… i don’t know, nobody knows! good luck to all!</p>
<p>check Oxford’s website so see if they have different e-mail extensions. (I don’t think they do.)</p>
<p>i need to add that my D’s last name begins with A and she did Emory process app by Questbridge… it’s maybe why she already has an active Email.</p>