<p>I'm from NY and I thought I would get it today but haven't.
How about the rest of CC?</p>
<p>I got it. </p>
<p>Feels good :D</p>
<p>Central NJ and still waiting…but if it’s coming by USPS then it should be here by like 5 PM ish. Anything interesting in the package or is it just the paper version of our acceptance letter?</p>
<p>Just a paper, a letter, and a little card of information you need to send back.</p>
<p>I got mine in the mail today. The package is so bland and boring.</p>
<p>those who received it, where are you from?</p>
<p>I’m from the Philly area, and I received my acceptance letter on Saturday! I was surprised, because I thought they were not being mailed until Saturday.</p>
<p>got it =) 2 hours away from philly in pa</p>
<p>it is by regular mail? Oh wow… It would probably take more than two weeks to reach me…</p>
<p>still nothing… ohio</p>
<p>I am in suburban Philly and was surprised to get my letter on Saturday, producing big smiles all around again. Good to see that the letter said the same thing as the on-line decision- it wasn’t a mistake</p>
<p>Central Jersey</p>
<p>Got mine today. I kept thinking that I was hallucinating looking at the deferral message on the Penn website but when it came on paper, it was clear that it was NOT (yet) a rejection! :-D</p>
<p>Connecticut btw, sure y’all will get yours soon. Funny it arrived on the 15th lol…</p>
<p>i’m from CT and i got mine today</p>
<p>I’m from Southern California (Orange County) and I got mine today. What a relief it was to see that my admittance online wasn’t a mistake.</p>
<p>NY and nothing</p>
<p>NJ and confirmation received…a bit less dramatic than I thought it would be but w/e haha.</p>
<p>Well, ya since we already knew lol. PA - received.</p>
<p>got mine today</p>
<p>got it today and i live in northern california</p>
<p>this big envelope thing is really overrated</p>
<p>such a thin little package, and same stuff as online</p>