Who here has INCOMPLETE file?

<p>Who here has an account that still is incomplete (they still havnt received/filed) the stuff yet?</p>

<p>well i didn't send the midyear report yet because i dont know when we are supposed to but my cc probably has that under control</p>

<p>and because i applied to CALS i didn't take SAT IIs. they said something about sats in the letter (of deferral) so i just took them yesterday (bio, math, and writing). with lots of prep of course :)</p>

<p>btw, did anyone else take SATII Bio, and what kind of prep did you have?</p>

<p>luv 4 sun27 - good luck on your scores, 3 in one day can be really mentally draining. (i never took bio, however.)</p>

<p>everyone else - PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE stop these threads, no one's stuff seems to have been processed yet and it's already been established in one of the other 23563 posts on this topic that there's no use in freaking out or calling until February if there's still a problem.</p>


<p>thanks hotelie, yeah it wasn't TOO bad, but when i got there i didn't know if i was going to take the writing or not since i registered for 2 just in case, so i just told myself i would think about it while i was doing the other ones. the proctor was like 'everyone taking writing has to take it in the first hour' and i was really mad. i was like shaking the entire time i was writing the essay.</p>

<p>Awe don't worry, the essay stinks! As possible encouragement, I got my best SAT II scores when I took 3 in one day. I did the best on writing and I think by the time I got to the last one I was really in test-taking mode so it came naturally. LOL :)</p>

<p>which ones did you take/what were your scores?</p>

<p>yeah same here i took the math last and i felt really confident</p>

<p>710 writing / 690 lit / 670 math ic</p>

<p>I had absolutely no prep though, so anything you did would definitely put your scores ahead of mine. SAT IIs were definitely the weak point of my application. LOL</p>

<p>is that the order u took them in?.....do u think that's why they decline?</p>

<p>I took the bio satII this sat. Prep: I took biology like 3 times already....so i really didn't try to study hard for it.......kinda just went over the book again.......BIG MISTAKE!.....that was one test I seriously felt lost with....I feel soooo stupid for not switching to MathII at the last minute...plus it was the absolute last time I could take SATs................oh well.....</p>

<p>maybe i could have taken IIC but i would have rather done well on a spur-of -the-moment thing then mess up. i took them in this order: writing/biology/math IC</p>

<p>did you have the jellyfish question and the stupid taxonomy question?</p>

<p>yeah...thats the question i left blank.....i didn't really know and didn't wanna guess......don't remember the taxonomy question........i just took the bio test on Sparknotes and got a 720 ........so maybe my score won't be soooo bad.....although it seems like they asked easier questions.........</p>

<p>i took it writ/mathIC/bio........if my theory is correct, that might be another reason why my bio score will be less than all the rest</p>

<p>the taxonomy one was the one where you had to figure out the species by going through all of the steps</p>

<p>i guessed radial symmetry because they don't have a vascular system, exoskeleton, and tube feet (i dont think) so i just guessed that out of 2</p>

<p>yeah i did the practice tests in princeton review and barron's and i got high 6's but i always do better on test day. on the SAT I i kept getting mid 6's on the practice and i was like ***** ***** but i pulled through on test day so we'll see what happens.</p>