Who is doing the community service project?

<p>This is the third time in the past year that my friend has called asking me to donate to her D's service project. If she is calling me, I know she is calling dozens of other people.
D has already had a full page spread in the paper about her unique project. I know that in another two or three years, she'll receive umpteen community service scholarships (that's why mom decided to start early).<br>
On the one hand, I'm glad that people do these projects- it benefits the community. On the other hand, I do get tired of children receiving accolades for stuff that their parents have done behind the scenes. When it comes time for Best Buy and other scholarships, this young person will be competing against thousands of others, some who have worked their buns off, but maybe haven't been able to do something of as great a magnitude.
Are these CS based scholarships looking for the best project, or the best person? Because from what I've seen, the project is what they must be basing their decision on- they can't possibly know who actually did the work.</p>

<p>S got awards for his community service project, which he did himself.</p>

<p>Good for him, Northstar. You don't strike me as someone who would fudge credentials or cheat on your kids' behalf!</p>

<p>I'm glad, NSM, that your son was recognized for his work. It does bother me that I know of two instances now where a student's parent has created a big project and has or will use this for admissions/scholarships. It isn't fair to the kids who do their own projects- they are all being judged against each other. It's also unfortunate in that the more evident it becomes that some of the competitors are "cheating", the more likely that these scholarship programs will be cut- again harmful to the genuine students.</p>

<p>My kids both put in volunteer time to already existing organizations ( a lot of time)
I never considered even suggesting that they originate a "cause", because I felt there were so many other worthy causes that were ongoing and that needed people of their interests/skills. Why reinvent the wheel unless you need to?</p>

<p>However- I would have to say that it was fairly low profile- not what some are looking for.</p>

<p>My daughter applied for and was awarded a Community Service scholarship from a local foundation. The award was given to about 10 students from our town who attended public and private high schools. There was one larger award for a student who had exceptional community service and the rest were all for the same amount ($1000). Our family was not even aware of the existence of this scholarship when my daughter did her community service. The students who won these scholarships (including the larger one) all did their service through existing organizations. In our community, students (or their parents) do not start their own projects in hopes of earning accolades for their kids. The community service experience that my daughter wrote about when she applied for the scholarship was volunteering to tutor an elementary school student who recently emigrated from Mexico. Her senior Spanish teacher asked for a volunteer to do this. ESL services are very minimal in our school district and the poor kid was just sitting in class not learning anything. My daughter even had to translate the school emergency contact forms for the parents of the kid because no one had done this for them. She truly did help the kid and his family, and it was a worthwhile experience for her as well. There was never a thought of a scholarship or award as a reward for this effort - that was just a nice unexpected surprise.</p>

I know of two instances now where a student's parent has created a big project and has or will use this for admissions/scholarships. It isn't fair to the kids who do their own projects- they are all being judged against each other.


<p>Right, and it's not fair when parents create their kids' 2nd grade science projects, build their soapbox derby car, or do any of the other things that some parents do. But it happens all the time, and scholarship committees aren't stupid. They can smell a parent's hand as fast as anyone else can. If it's an established scholarship, like Best Buy, the committee members know if it's a kid's work or an adult's.</p>

<p>^^^Talk to me in two years when this young woman ends up with all kinds of scholarships. ;)</p>

<p>Two different issues here. One is the kid getting awards for CS projects when mom is doing a big chunk of the work.... not so good, though probably very common. </p>

<p>The other is simply the bigger goal of raising money for a good cause. My kids have often been involved in fundraising for good causes -- and while I don't start making cold calls, I usually do end up mentioning the cause when talking to other adults. If, for example, my daughter was participating in a fund raising event to help victims of hurricane Katrina, I would certainly have told everyone I knew about that event to help make it a big success and raise a lot of $$. But I didn't expect my d. to get awards from that based on amount of money raised -- I would just think that part of my d's job as a fundraiser would be to get the word out through an every expanding of network. I also tell people about good causes when my kids aren't involved -- again, not through unsolicited calls, but when the issue comes up naturally in conversation. </p>

<p>My daughter never applied for or won any awards for cs, though. My son did get a community service based award, in college, but I saw the letter from his supervisor that got him the award -- it described in great detail the work he had put in. So while I can't vouch for all awards, they are often based on more than just the resume or essay submitted by the student singing their own praises.</p>