Who sends in peer rec?

<p>Does my friend mail in the peer recommendation herself or am I supposed to have my guidance counselor mail it as a package (with my transcript, teacher recs, resume, etc.)?</p>

<p>I gave it to my guidance counselor</p>

<p>If my friend doesn’t get it done by Winter Break, would it be okay for her to send it in separately? I hope it wouldn’t create confusing, getting the package and rec at different times.</p>

<p>yeah im pretty sure either way works.</p>

<p>Thanks for the help :)</p>

<p>You can just give your friend an addressed/stamped envelope to send off when he/she is done.</p>

<p>I’ll probs end up doing just that! Thanks!</p>

<p>can it be a small white envelope or does it have to be one of the big yellow ones?</p>

<p>Is the return address mine or my friend’s?</p>

<p>Also, what’s up with the self-addressed and stamped postcard for notification? Do we get any postcard and attach it with the rec?</p>

<p>oh crap i totally forgot about the postcard!</p>

<p>^ didn’t catch it until the last minute . . .</p>
