who sits at the top?

<p>ok. lets do this again, for my sake and for others aiming for a major in political science. rank these schools according to prestige, ease of acceptance, and by best potential of producing students admitted in top-notch law schools (harvard, stanford, yale etc.)
here's the list: georgetown, nyu, univ of chicago, notre dame, northwestern, ucberkeley and cornell.
please don't rank by arbitrary standards, provide reasons why you think A university is better than B university.</p>

<p>Lol? Go out and research and come up with your own. One thing is to ank for a simple arbitrary ranking but to have to explain to you? haha I doubt much people will do so</p>

<p>If you simply want to see how many are admitted and from what schools heres the link for Harvard...</p>

<p><a href="http://www.law.harvard.edu/admissions/jd/colleges.php%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.law.harvard.edu/admissions/jd/colleges.php&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>georgetown, nyu, univ of chicago, notre dame, northwestern, ucberkeley and cornell.</p>

<p>as a freshman, i got into univ of chicago, northwestern, cornell</p>

<p>didn't apply to notre dame, uc berk, or gtown</p>

<p>i chose Cornell b/c I think that the quality of life was better than that of Chicago, and i also think it can't hurt to be at a ivy league, a lot, A LOT of students here got into chicago and northwestern (especially northwestern), i have run into countless kids that got into both, and chose Cornell for similar reasons</p>

<p>good luck</p>