<p>CC Freshman!
Seriously though...I'm so alone.</p>
<p>… seems like you’re the only one… haha jk</p>
<p>i was a freshman when i joined. now a junior. you learn SOOOO much!! :)</p>
<p>i’m with you bygone</p>
<p>I was last year… please standby for the “You shouldn’t be here until Junior year” speech.</p>
<p>I’d gladly give that speech, but alas, none would listen. </p>
<p>In all honesty though, I wish I would have found this site earlier than the summer before my junior year. I credit CC and some of the really helpful parents here for steering me towards my recent scholarship and college admissions success. It’s a great place if you can manage not to become addicted to it!</p>
<p>Ya if I found this site in my freshman year, this definitely would have helped. Nonetheless, I am still happy at where I am now and how much this site has helped me for a year. :)</p>
<p>Yeah, I wish I would have found out about this place in the middle of freshman year… -.-</p>
<p>I’m a freshman yay!!!</p>
<p>Sophomores FTW =)</p>
<p>I’m a junior, but I joined CC at the beginning of 8th grade! I actually was lurking here throughout 7th grade too. A 7th grader on CC…seems weird now</p>
<p>^^Oh my God. Seriously? Geez, when I was your age… <em>sigh</em> Kids these days.</p>
<p>Not me. I’m a Junior. I wish I had found CC when I was a Freshman though. It would’ve been helpful.</p>
<p>The first time I thought about college was for five minutes when I got my PSAT results sophomore year.</p>
<p>Then I promptly forgot it existed.</p>
<p>The second time was when I got my SAT results junior year… THEN I started thinking about that stuff & signed up on here.</p>
<p>I can’t even fathom the idea of thinking about college, let alone actively gathering information, any time before junior year!</p>
<p>Yeah I wish I would’ve found this site earlier too. If I did I probably would have self - studied some AP classes (I didn’t even know you could do that until I came here). </p>
<p>Considering that I haven’t taken any AP exams yet and my school accepts up to 30 credits (an entire year of AP credit!), a few self studied APs probably would have helped.</p>
<p>If you use this site to find about useful opportunities, like various academic competitions, it’s a good thing. But you shouldn’t be in a hurry to leave high school from the moment you step on campus. It’s your last chance to have fun, be immature, and still have your parents to bail you out (if necessary). I’m not saying you should party all the time (I don’t), but don’t be one of those people that has no friends because all they can think about is something that’s several years off.</p>
<p>ever since I found this site, my grades have gone down…</p>
<p>lol, I wonder why!?</p>
<p>Just for the record, I’m a freshman. :)</p>
<p>i so would have self studied APs too… I didn’t know you could do that either… and my school doesn’t offer them (obviously) but I reckon I could have at least done AP Calc</p>