<p>Anyone else applying? When do we get decisions.</p>
<p>Im applying to sienna/AMC im not sure when decision come probably around late march early april like most schools. Did u send ur application yet?</p>
<p>Yep, what are your stats?</p>
<p>hey this is an easy program (union/amc) to get into, no sweat</p>
<p>If you have a lot of volunteering experience Siena/AMC is a piece of cake as well
If you file your FAFSA and Union sees that you will be able to pay they’ll probably call you back-- they have the most expensive tuition of the three schools linked with Albany Med</p>
<p>i applied to both- but i have not heard a single thing from either
my bro applied to union a few yeas ago and said he heard about interviews aroudn late december or january</p>
<p>I applied to both…
Totally screwed up my app to Siena, but Union i hope to get!
<p>Did anyone do the specialized Siena application?</p>
<p>i think you have to fill out the secondary applications before you get interview notifications for the albany programs.</p>
<p>I did supersweet</p>
<p>i havent heard from Siena or Union, but i heard from RPI, who sent me another app on the AMC website to fill out</p>
<p>I’m hoping the others follow</p>
<p>Got an interview from UNION today.</p>
<p>Congrats- did you recieve the extra union/AMC supplement before you found out about the interview?</p>
<p>i got an interview with siena/amc! do you guys know how many they usually interview & then accept?</p>
<p>ok i just talked to the person in charge of all combined programs at AMC today- by combined programs i mean the Union/AMC, RPI/AMC, and Siena/AMC programs</p>
<p>What she said is that this week letters are going out to 44 finalists who i believe received interviews to the Siena/AMC program.</p>
<p>She also mentioned that the interview, unlike the union or rpi program, will be located on the Siena campus only.</p>
<p>So we’ll be finding out verrrry soon. I’m so nervous!!</p>
<p>rejected by siena…</p>
<p>rejected frm siena also</p>
<p>how did you guys find out? like by mail or email</p>
<p>mail for me</p>