<p>Any reasons welcome (prestige, Family Guy, etc.)</p>
<p>too many freaky-deaky liberals. plus they potheads, which is for el-cheapo’s without class. we only do the good stuff here at harvard</p>
<p>lol sounds reasonable</p>
<p>“the two hardest things to find at brown are a heterosexual and a republican”</p>
<p>i heard this once, and while it is an exaggeration there is a lot of truth in it… i think the student body is way too left-wing as a whole (even for a college campus) and there is not proper balance in the student body, plus walking around campus you do get the feel of a lot of pot-heads and recruited athletes or freaky-geek types, it was hard to just find normal people</p>
<p>not for me.</p>
<p>Brown was my original number 1 school, I’d intended on applying there early for the last 3 years…then I visited it (background: I’m American but grew up in South Africa, this college roadtrip was my first time to the East Coast). Rhode Island is second only to NJ in terms of general ‘ew’ </p>
<p>I hated Providence; so sleepy, economically dead and depressing, no nice shops or things to do…And the campus was beautiful but it just looked like the RISD kids were cooler. I was pretty disappointed, because from my research it seemed like the college where I’d find the best fit with students (radical liberals…not pot smoking :P)</p>
<p>Oh well… :(</p>
<p>really cordeliah?? I’m in the same position as u, except I’ve never visited Brown. I guess I should. I need to hate that school cos I’m not gonna get in :‘’‘’(</p>
<p>Some of the things people say in these threads are just hilarious. I guess it’s hard when you only get one shot to take a look at what is happening on campus and in the city.</p>
<p>I’m from right outside NY and there are MANY things to do in Providence. My best friend is a RISD photo student and even she would disagree the RISD kids are cooler. Actually, she’d probably have a lot ot say about that.</p>
<p>Brown was the only top school that I felt I found normal people. There was a far greater range of folks at Brown than anything else I looked at that was the same/similar size.</p>
<p>The radical left stuff… well, let’s just say radical anything is pretty rare on campus.</p>
<p>What’s the purpose of creating this thread?</p>
<p>Well, honestly, I don’t wanna write another college app, so I’m looking for some excuses not to apply to Brown.</p>
<p>***! Brown is the best school in the world</p>
<p>ModestMelody…I know what you mean, I just honestly didn’t click with the city…and I visited the campus on a friday afternoon, it was so quiet I asked the tour guide if it was fall break!</p>
<p>Also, c’mon, things to do in Providence vs. things to do in Boston or NY? No comparison! lol…my dad’s best friend went to Brown and he said if he could do it again, he’s rather have gone to UC Berkeley with my dad.</p>
<p>Qualifier: Brown is an incredible school, heard great things about how ‘real’ the students are…I just wish it wasn’t in Providence. :P</p>
<p>Why is this thread here? This forum is for people who love Brown, not for stupid threads like this. I’m extremely conservative, except slightly libertarian in the social aspects, and Brown is my top choice. I can’t imagine that at any school the students literally congregate to discuss solely their radical views…</p>
<p>This thread is here because its about Brown. The forum is Brown University not Brown University suck-ups.</p>
<p>haha im in favour of this thread…i know i’ll be looking for it when im sad in april and need to say ‘well, brown wasnt even that cool anyway’</p>
<p>haha why are people complaining about this thread? lol, just chill out a bit…</p>
<p>i applied to plme early but was deferred. the only thing that would keep me from going is money =D</p>
<p>But this is a forum about helping students looking to learn about different schools and who are looking to apply there-- creating threads specifically to bash places is not really in the spirit of this forum and the environment it generally seeks to create.</p>
<p>That being said, there’s nothing wrong with this kind of thing, I would just through out the same disclaimer I always do with any thread, positive or negative.</p>
<p>Be careful about listening to high school students who have no actual experience with Brown or who have had their limited 3 hour afternoon visit to form an impression. There are many students, current and past, on these boards that can more accurately describe Brown from a real perspective.</p>
<p>Yes its true that Providence sucks. There is nothing to do in Providence. I would never actually live in Providence. That aside, me and my friends hardly ever leave campus. So it’s like Brown is in its own world - it may be in Providence, but it doesn’t really matter. There’s so much to do at Brown, that its not necessary to leave. If you want to do some “city things”, Boston and New York are incredibly close by. But I’ve honestly never felt the need to go to Boston or New York. I don’t even have the time, I’m too busy on campus. Don’t let the fact that Providence sucks be a reason for you to not apply to Brown. You won’t be in Providence, you’ll be at Brown.</p>
<p>I am honestly sick and tired of stupid, worthless threads like these. To those who say we don’t have normal people, all my friends at Brown are the most normal, chill, laid-back people. Actually, at other Ivies, I find the exact opposite. Harvard has socially ■■■■■■■■ people [not even joking] who only know how to study. Yale is very very pretentious and snobby. Dartmouth is filled with alcoholics and lunatics. So…In comparison, Brown seems quite “normal”. [=</p>
<p>while I am in love with Brown (just like all the other 09ers on here), i like that this thread exists.</p>
<p>this isn’t the Brown website/viewbook/brochures. i love CC because it’s honest, no holds barred discussion. why can’t students point what they thought were flaws or negatives?
as long as everyone understands these statements are OPINIONS not ABSOLUTE FACTS, then i like seeing what others dislike about Brown.</p>
<p>as for ballin4ever, i’ll admit - if you do attend Brown, i’m jealous. but your comments on other schools doesn’t sit well with me. i hope others at Brown are a little less inclined to make rude blanket statement about peer institutions in defense of their own.</p>
<p>I must admit part of my attraction to Brown was that it was more “normal” than the other Ivies. It was in many ways, the least Ivy Ivy. People weren’t there because it was an Ivy. It had something remarkably attractive about it that had nothing to do with prestige or name recognition.</p>
<p>Am I going to lie and say that the one person I know well who goes to Harvard is not as socially awkward as they come? No. But that’s one person. Up until this summer, the only two kids I knew who were at Yae were pretentious in the absolute worst kind of way. So what. This summer I met two more Yale students who were awesome, awesome people. One of the best looking, most fun girls in my high school class went to MIT.</p>
<p>Anyone writing about a school they don’t attend is typically painting with a brush too broad for meaning. That’s why I tend to stick to talking about my own experiences and Brown and never venture off of this board.</p>
<p>That being said, what I don’t like about this thread is that it’s being addressed to students who are applying who only have, at best, fleeting images of what they hope a school will be or won’t be. It’s exactly the misconceptions of these students that I seek to correct by posting on these forums as an actual undergraduate in college at Brown.</p>
<p>Why student’s are not applying just invites people to talk about broad, false impressions without challenge. I’d rather see these concerns voiced in other threads where current students can talk about where reality and perception meet or diverge-- that’s the meaningful conversation that can and should happen onthis forum rather than a laundry list of crap people who may have read half of a brochure and a college guide book have written.</p>
<p>Plus, there have been like 6 threads on this very issue in two weeks. It’s annoying when people can’t look a page or two back on a relatively slow moving forum.</p>