Who's Ready To Be a NMSF?

<p>i'm also curious, is there anyway to practice on those other 2 psats released by the CB?</p>

<p>I took the practice PSAT and got a 2110 while watching TV. So I'm not really that worried. </p>

<p>Part of that is me keeping thinking...PRACTICE SAT. Who cares?</p>

<p>Well, time to get going!</p>

<p>How can you find out what the cut-off for NMS in your state is?</p>

<p>The cut-offs won't be known for many months, they change each year. You can see last year's cut-offs by state in this thread:</p>

<p><a href="http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/showthread.php?t=385453&page=33%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/showthread.php?t=385453&page=33&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>It also shows the change from the previous year, and although it's not a predictor of what this year's cut-offs will be, it will give you a rough idea.</p>

<p>Use the search function. There are 502836591826069734986124 threads that have these cutoffs right here on CC.</p>

<p>Now that I've taken the test, I'm...well...a little less than confidant about becoming a NMSF. I'm positive I missed more than 2 per section, so it's probably curtains for me. I just took a look at the math curve; it's a killer!</p>

<p>I just realized that it's virtually useless for 90% of people to take the SAT, at least in the ACT states. If you're not taking the SAT, it's really a dead end in terms of preparation. Additionally, only the top 5% are commended, and only if you're commended does the score really mean anything. The top 10% are of course in the running to be commended, so it's a really good idea for them to take the test. But for all the others, all it is is a chance to get out of class and perhaps be exposed to higher level tests in general.</p>

<p>I wanted it.. Not thinking I got so lucky</p>

<p>come on guys, why the pessmism? just keep telling yourself that you OWNED that psat for the next few days. then you might forget about it.</p>

<p>On that same note, good luck to all in the NM competitionnnn!</p>

<p>Well I'll try to start thinking positive. However; I know I left too many blank to qualify but.. That's okay</p>

<p>omg 11 hours till I take the PSAT =O</p>

<p>omg....ONE HOUR</p>

<p>lol I thought this was for seniors so I thought, well whether the person is ready or not, his is a NMSF or not!</p>

<p>And then I felt stupid.</p>

<p>Good luck to you all!</p>

<p>haha i just got back from taking it
it was o.k. </p>

<p>some of the vocab was ridiculous, though
I think I left 2 math blank and got one of the grid-ins wrong, but other than that I think I did well in math
For Critical Reading I have no idea. I think I did ok.
For Writing I'm pretty sure I did well.
But I guess you never know, haha.</p>

<p>yea this year they laid the vocab down hardcoreeee </p>

<p>some other stuff in general was very sly and tricky</p>

<p>Writing = loleasy</p>

<p>I hope they got a nice curve though for the m/cr</p>

<p>I thought I did okay, but now I'm a bit shaky on some of the problems. Now I just want to get my score back...</p>

<p>How good is the curve usually?</p>

<p>I thought I did okay. The first math and reading went really well for me. Then my mind went all ADD on the second reading part, so I might have screwed that up a little.</p>

<p>I studied a bit last night and it paid off! :D</p>

<p>I raped Writing and Math... they were easy</p>

<p>I knew I was going to fail Critical Reading and I think I missed a few on those sections...</p>

<p>I thought that math was VERY easy, except i had 2 blanks. some of the vocab was tough, but i think i got all of it- same with CR.</p>

<p>The writing was pretty easy.</p>

<p>Does anyone know how many pts each question is off? Or atleast an average? 20 pts? 30 pts? </p>

<p>I think i got maybe 5 wrong with 3 blanks. </p>

<p>Why do i have to live in nj with a 224 cutoff?</p>

<p>I thought the multiple choice math was pretty easy, I'm certain I got every multiple choice question correct. Unfortunately I left #34 and the last ones blank, stupid grid ins. Right as we were passing in the tests I realized that the answer to #34 was 40, and I had a chance to mark it in really quick but I decided that I wasn't going to cheat. I feel proud of myself a bit =] However, if I get a 212 and the cutoff for NMS is 213...I'm gonna be mad.</p>

<p>I thought the writing and CR passage based questions were all pretty easy. I think at most in those sections I got MAYBE 1 or 2 wrong. </p>

<p>For the sentence completions, I don't know. I always eliminated at least 2 or 3 answers but those last 2 or 3 on the hard questions kinda messed me up.</p>

<p>I think I probably ended up with about 4-5 wrong and 2 blanks. I wonder what score that is?</p>
