Who's Ready To Be a NMSF?

I studied a bit last night and it paid off!</p>

<p>I raped Writing and Math... they were easy</p>

<p>I knew I was going to fail Critical Reading and I think I missed a few on those sections...


<p>I wish I can edit...</p>

<p>Just wanted to add "knock on wood" so I don't jinx myself. Just realized I may have gotten a few of the writing questions wrong.</p>

<p>Just wondering - if a/b>ab, then b<1, right?</p>

<p>That question bothered me all through the second reading section.</p>

<p>if a/b>ab, then b<1</p>

<p>1/(1/2)>1(1/2), 1/2<1</p>

<p>i think i did pretty well on the test, luckily i live in louisiana where the cutoff is around a 209</p>

<p>I NMSF'd in Virginia (needed a 217) without studying or eating breakfast. You kids should be fine. Don't overstress.</p>

<p>writing and math was a joke. :)</p>

<p>sentence completion = omg.. hard. :(
passage reading was fairly easy, except i got bit distracted on the first passage. </p>

<p>does anyone know what was last year's nmsf cutoff in california?</p>

<p>are we allowed to discuss questions yet?</p>

<p>go for it... lol</p>

<p>I thought math was hella easy, even though I left the 2 about x-y coordinates blank (for some reason, i couldn't process any questions like that that day, lol). But I forgot what sycophant meant and chose it (stupid me- I am a sycophant lol), and the passage about the animals was so stupid and I couldn't really get it together. Actually, it's sort of a trend with me- I did horribly on a practice exam that had a passage on dogs. I just hate animal-themed passages. The writing, I never really know. I didn't really get stuck on any questions, but I always end up getting 3-6 wrong. Stupid MD needs a 221, so I'm probably not in the running, but I'm pretty sure I'll be commended and that I'll get that black whatever thing.</p>

<p>^are you talking about the wed one or the sat one?</p>

<p>and for the sat one--
what did you guys put for the sentence completion about wrestling or whatev?
I put something about lacking ambivelance or something but there was another one about theatricality and i was unsure b/w those two</p>

<p>^ Oh I picked C for that one. I don't remember what C was but it wasn't theatricality.</p>

<p>yeh it wasnt theatricality. I forget the answer, but i think that i put C...i was pretty confident on it.</p>

<p>grrr i think i put theatricality. :( </p>

<p>can we discuss the questions now?</p>

<p>Why the hell not?</p>

<p>My math questions:
- What was the grid-in when you were given 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and you were supposed to find the number of 3 digit answers that satisfied some bizarre requirements? By the time I figured out what they were asking for I ran out of time. =[
- (BTW, this is definitely not the problem, it's just all that I can remember of it, so I'm hoping that someone can remember the actual equation?)
a/x=b/y. What's c when x/y times 3a/b if a/2b=(some # I can't remember).</p>

<p>I'm sure you all did great. (I took the PSAT last year and am a NMSF, so I should know.) </p>

<p>Just make sure you keep up your SAT scores, since those are more important in the long run AND matter in terms of getting to be a NMF.</p>

<p>That said, if you did poorly - no one will ever need to know. ^_^</p>

<p>lol we're only semi-finalists right now kamera, don't jump the gun (although odds are with us)</p>

<p>good cuz i think c was the ambivelance one. haha. </p>

<p>uhhh for the grid in I didnt know and there was like one minute so I just put down some random answer cuz they tell you not to skip those, haha.
But i think my friends were pretty sure it was 20</p>

<p>I dont remember that other question but was it the last one of one of the sections? and had roman numerals like I, II, III, and options like I and II, I only, etc? Cuz then I skipped that one but my friend put II only.</p>

<p>i also put C for the ambivalence one. i think the answer was derisive, but that could be wrong...</p>

<p>and, yeah, for the roman numeral one i put II only.</p>

<p>haha i bummed it! i did well in math, but reading and writing...oh gosh.
i was sick on the day (i still am) and my eyes kept tearing up so i couldn't see. and then my facial muscles started to die on me and i ended up havin facial spasm. and i just lost track of time. well it was a bad day. i think i did worse than last yr. except the math section. but you never know</p>

<p>Okay, I'm trying to remember the grid-in answers I had questions about. I came up with:</p>

<p>72, for the perimiter of the square one
82, for the consecutive-number thingy
1050, for the one about percentages
10, for the one about nails</p>

<p>I can't remember the rest. Anybody else remember their answers?</p>

<p>Oh, southeasttitan, I got all those as well, I think. My other grid-in answers were

<p>umm ok so I only remember those ones. </p>

<p>(Weds test) What did you guys get for the one with two circles and the square in the middle? And it asked for the area of the shaded region? I got 24pi but everyone else I talked to got something pi-8...</p>