Whos taking chem 2A? who are some of the good/bad professors?

<p>hey, i really need chem 2A this quarter but i can’t registar yet until next week. i’m wondering, whos teaching which class so i can get a better professor (since they usually say TBA/The Saff in the catalog)</p>



<p>i wanna know who specifically is teaching which course tho..</p>

<p>but thanks</p>

<p>Actually there is 1 way. If you are near Davis...go to the Campus Bookstore, they know who your professors are since they're ordering books to be in stock later, or you might call them or e-mail them. I remember they knew my ASA teacher before MyUCDavis even had the name! Ask for the books titles so it doesn't sound like the only reason you called was to find out who your teacher was!</p>

<p>the problem though with the bookstore is that they may not know who the chem 2a profs will be because all sections use the same book.</p>

<p>ratemyprofessor.com generally over exagerates the severity of the professor. I think you'll survive no matter who you have as long as you try hard and are willing to teach yourself if necessary. I had Mack for 2c & ratemyprofessor said "avoid like the plague" and he had a frowny face rating of like 2.0 or less... but I aced his tests without a problem.</p>

<p>If people have signed up for sections, it may still say "the staff" for them.. I've had classes where it said "the staff" up until a week before classes or the day before classes. If you want to test it.. you could try to register.. then drop, register then drop, etc.. to see who is teaching?</p>

<p>Ok, I'm pretty experienced with the chem 2 series having just completed it with three different teachers and friends with the rest. I don't know if you can enroll for the class with the teacher you want at this point because most big classes like that have TBA listed. But anyway, in my opinion try to get Farmer or Larsen if possible, I felt that they were the best..</p>

<p>i ended up having toupadakis, who i heard is pretty good.</p>

<p>also, its true that we need new books this year.. so we can't save $$ by buying used textbooks :(</p>

<p>Toupadakis is by far the worst chem 2 series teacher in my experience. I really don't know if whoever told you he was pretty good was in their right mind.</p>

<p>And yeah, the textbook thing sucks for us that just finished, too, because we don't get to sell them back..</p>

<p>hey, megathunder. what do you know about cheuk-yiu ng? yea, nay?</p>

<p>Haven't heard anything about her/him. Its possible that she/hes new. Have you RMP'd her/him?</p>

<p>yeah -- unanimously frowny. that's not a good sign, right?</p>

<p>Definitely not, haha..</p>

<p>Have you guys already taken the test? How was it? What's on it? Do you need to memorize formulas and periodic table? Last time I took chem was in 10th grade, but I'm thinking I might need to take chem this year.</p>

<p>BTW: <a href="http://lsc.ucdavis.edu/diagnostic_chem.htm%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://lsc.ucdavis.edu/diagnostic_chem.htm&lt;/a>
list of dates if you missed the chem exam during summer advising.</p>

<p>Dr Ng is a HORRIBLE professor. I had him winter quarter for chem 110b.. he can't explain anything at all, and he doesn't understand questions you ask him so his way of answering questions asked is by repeating what he just said.</p>

<p>ilikeoranges- The chem test was ridiculously easy... for the one I took, you only needed 21/44. It was basic stuff. What I did was, while everyone was taking the math test, I walked to the bookstore and bought the cliffnotes, then sped-read them right before I walked into the test. It got me past it at least. It was basically a copy of the notes+a density formula.</p>

<p>hmmm...chem 2a, well, by far i think dr enderle is the best professor for the series, unfortunately, i think he's teaching 2c in the fall. farmer would be a good bet, but he left or something like that. i'd say your best bet would be toupadakis, i've had plenty of friends that have had him and i've seen his lectures. hes not that bad. i would avoid larsen, hes pretty lazy.</p>

<p>Larsen is lazy, but he's funny, you won't fall asleep during his class, his tests are relatively easy, and the curves for them are pretty good.</p>

<p>I had Enderle two quarters and I must say his classes are the opposite of Larsen's except for the funny part(he's alright). </p>

<p>That's not to say that Larsen's good and Enderle's bad, however, I don't think either are all that great but they're both alright..</p>

<p>ccyls -awesome thx</p>