Why am I waiting so long?

<p>Yeah i cant wait any longer !!</p>

<p>i havent heard from anybody. anybody. 3.9, everything done. it is making me crazy. this site doesnt help either. :)</p>

We totally need to get off this site. LOL. I agree. ;D It’s only 8am tho…@__@;; I can’t be up so early! Onto YT! [:</p>

<p>So my girlfriend is starting to say I have a problem because I check when I wake up, when I get home during the day, and before I got to bed. I really want to know where I am going to be, and for the immediate future, where I will be living this summer (I want to start making plans and am getting very antsy)</p>

<p>3.36 UCSD Poltical Science? (want to hear back from UCI too) … not too much to ask for I don’t think (Not TAG though). I think what is really killing me is that others have already been admitted. Waiting for UCLA isnt killing me because 1)Don’t think I will get in and 2) It’s not late April yet so it’s not like my admission status might have been released and I don’t know it yet.</p>

<p>My gf is telling me to take a chill pill. I think she is right.</p>

<p>ur first paragraph about making plans and knowing where you will be and all, man im with you there…I check pretty much every hour (sometimes refreshes like crazy) and not just on computer but when im away from my laptop, i use my blackberry to check…im annoyed because im hating this long wait and its preventing me from focusing on my spring classes…</p>

<p>arghhhhhhh !!</p>

<p>^^ omg i feel you on that one… i need to get rid of my crackberry ASAP…driving me nuts i constantly check, even when im driving on the freeway -___- …</p>

<p>I always use my iPod touch to check at school!! Seriously I usually check every few hours!!</p>

<p>I am starting to go a little crazy. I agree with what Ssarah said in another thread…wish they would release all the admits/rejects on one day. I still haven’t heard back from UCI or UCSD.</p>

<p>Ha. I used to think the “omg wheres my TAG tranfer deceson!” folks were whiners. Seriously though, they are pretty much going to make folks wait this out to the last minute.</p>

<p>Still have not heard from UCI or UCSD… What is the hold up?? Agh! Thinking about calling them…!!!</p>

<p>yea me too. stil have not heard from UCI or UCSD…
3.8 gpa… math/econ… gosh</p>

<p>Same here, I haven’t heard from UCI or UCSD either. My GPA is quite low though and I’m applying from another UC</p>

<p>jiniyz…with those stats you are definitely in at UCI, I wouldnt worry…I have a significantly lower gpa and I was accepted 3 weeks ago…as for UCSD, I am also waiting…same with UCSB!</p>

<p>I’m still waiting too :(</p>

<p>well i was already accepted to ucsd since they first started releasing admissions, but today i just got an email saying:
“Just a reminder that admission decisions for transfer students have been posted on MyApplication. Please be aware that transfer decisions are released and posted on a rolling basis throughout the month of April—which means your decision may be posted at a different time from other people—but all decisions will be online at MyApplication by May 1.”
so just wait a little longer.</p>

<p>Well I only applied to Riverside and Irvine. I needed to stay in the area because of my band and whatnot. I already received admission to Riverside and am now waiting on Irvine. </p>

<p>The suspense is killing me :(</p>

<p>It is just aggravating because I need to accept my Financial ‘gift’ by May 1st as well as submit for housing soon. </p>

<p>Either way I am happy though, people can bag on Riverside but I am actually happy with it. Post grad however I would love to do at UCLA</p>

<p>I feel like I should’ve applied to Riverside…</p>

<p>thanks for the info singularity…still waiting, and wishing i could find out already! All I really care about is UCSD, but hearing from UCI would be nice because I would take UCI over UCSD (which I now consider lucky that I was accepted relatively early)</p>

<p>So last year the last admissions were released April 16th? That makes me nervous (like I wasn’t already)</p>