Why am I waiting so long?

<p>I understand I am going to be waiting until the end of the month for UCLA, but why am I waiting so long to hear back from UCI and UCSD. I have a 3.4, and have already been accepted to UCSB (which is my last choice of these four schools). I am pretty sure my gpa is good enough for UCI, probably UCSD, and need a bit of luck for UCLA. The only thing that might make me unique is that 36 of my 90 quarter units are from AP credit, and I am currently taking 1 course to reach my 90 quarter units. Thus I obviously had a light load in my CCC. From what I understand other CCC transfers have already heard back from UCI and UCSD. Does this long wait mean I am not a shoe in, or does it mean I am more likely rejected, or does it mean nothing at all?</p>

<p>Oh and if it makes a difference I am a political science major</p>

<p>I haven’t heard back from UCI either. I think there’s a lot of of us on this board who haven’t.</p>

<p>me too</p>

<p>math major. guess we just have to wait</p>

<p>yup, still waiting on sd too. this is lame.</p>

<p>Did you complete the pre-reqs for UCSD and UCI?</p>

<p>It could mean anything…A lot of people are still waiting and they also have good stats…with UCSD, they probably trying to be careful after what happened hence taking their time…I also havent heard from UCD yet and i know UCLA will be until the end of April…so yeha, just try and be patient i guess</p>

<p>Agreed with ashy. Don’t be so impatient. There’s a lot of people who still haven’t received their admission/denial and they have great stats. UCSD is being EXTREMELY careful about sending out/updating anything of the sort because of what happened earlier this week…which is why they pushed back more acceptance/denials until later on this week.</p>

<p>So be patient! We all gotta deal with it. I mean, if it was mid/late April, then totally with you…but it’s only the second of April! Optimism! [: Good luck.</p>

<p>hell, I haven’t heard from the University California of Merced. I think they’re on drugs on why they haven’t admitted me yet considering ucsd and ucsb already did. I am very very mad at merced</p>

<p>Not sure if I am IGETC certified because I am using more than 15 semester units of AP credit toward my 60 semester transfer units, but I do meet all the pre reqs and so they won’t care (I am not TAG or TAP or any of that good stuff, also do to my AP credits). I guess I will be patient, you guys/gals are right.</p>

<p>I just wanted to share with you guys that I made it into UCI tonight.</p>

<p>I wish you all the best of luck as well.</p>

<p>DarkKnight when did you get the acceptance? And Congrats!</p>

<p>Checked the UCI admissions site at 12:05 AM like I’ve done every night for weeks now and I was unexpectedly welcomed with: “You Have Been Admitted To UC Irvine!”</p>

<p>I’m still checking to make sure this isn’t a glitch.</p>

<p>cheeserforlife, which one is your 1st choice? Merced?? congrats on getting into UCSB and UCSD…!</p>

<p>I have the same stats as you, 3.4 Poli Sci major, but I’ve been admitted to UCI, UCSB, UCSC, and UCSD. I’m still waiting on Davis though?? I sent in my application like two days before the UC deadline too so it’s not a rolling decision I guess.</p>

<p>Just hang in there >.<</p>

<p>Thanks Yak that makes me feel better. Still have not heard.</p>

<p>Does anybody know how often they have been releasing a bunch of admits? Is it every night, every afternoon, every other day?</p>

<p>I believe that it is during night around 3 am.
They tend to release a certain batch every few days, but not every day.
It wont help if you keep checking it during afternoon.</p>

<p>when are the next batches coming out for ucsd. If I don’t have that housing message does that mean I should be worried?</p>

<p>I don’t really think the housing message means anything…i know some friends who have gotten in but still don’t have the new housing message…</p>