<p>You know people, you are really sooooo stressed! Why won't you take a deep breath, relax, watch a couple of movies and just let this exam go?!! I mean, your discussions won't change anything from the facts and from your answers. Even if you revised a great deal of your answers and were PRETTY SURE OF A GREATTTT MARK, something will certainly, pop up from somewhere and you don't get that great mark and vice versa. Just stop in fluxing (or influx) your adrenaline and whoooooffffffffffffffffffftttttttttttttt!!!</p>
<p>Well, I AM A REAL NERDDDD, AT LEAST I AM CALLED SO BY EVERYONE, and I am way sooooooo nervous about this SAT. But, I am in a good state of mental composure and equanimity. I know that neither weeping nor worrying will result in anything, SO, RELAXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX!!!!!!!</p>