Why do American Jews and Asians do so well in Life??

<p>The idea that Jews are rich comes from the fact that if you looked at the very wealthy, Jews are far overrepresented. The average Jew isn’t super-rich. </p>

<p>Clever one there TCBH… I like how that quote seems to imply that the fact that scientific evidence which shows that there are differences between races exists means science is wrong. Sort of the “we don’t like the outcome, so we should ignore the truth” argument there. </p>

<p>That previous statement goes without my arguing about any judgment of any race.</p>


Here’s one Vietnamese American who rather over-perform.</p>



<p>I guess this is the reason why many Vietnamese would like to go to a UC school. Well, in my area, UC Davis and the reach would be UCLA or UC Berkeley.</p>

As a whole, those Asians from those countries tend to underperform. Just because you hail from a high achieving peer group doesn’t mean all vietnamese do.</p>

<p>It equiliant to conclude that because your African African mom is a lawyer and your Latino father is a doctor that a signifcant portion of them are high achieving.</p>

<p>Interesting fact. Today I was reading Freakonomics and the authors made a convincing case that it doesnt matter what the parents do, who the parents are tend to be better indicators of success. So rich, smart, well paid people tend to produce rich, smart, well paid heirs.</p>



<p>It doesn’t imply that at all.</p>

<p>I love the post that assumes that Jews only go into the practical fields of finance and banking and not into impractical fields that include the arts and psychology.</p>

<p>If you are going to fling around stereotypes, at least know all your stereotypes…I mean Woody Allen portrays all psychologists as Jewish New Yorkers. And it is commonly “known” that Broadway and Hollywood are controlled by Jews on both the creative and financial end.</p>

<p>Get with it!</p>


And this has what to do with what I said?</p>

<p>“Today I was reading Freakonomics and the authors made a convincing case that it doesnt matter what the parents do, who the parents are tend to be better indicators of success. So rich, smart, well paid people tend to produce rich, smart, well paid heirs.”</p>

<p>Children learn by example. If your parents work hard, you’ll work hard. If you’re used to growing up with a certain lifestyle, you’ll work to maintain it. If your parents are high-achieving, they must have learned the skills to be so from others, and will therefore TEACH this to their children.</p>

<p>You simply cannot have one without the other.</p>

<p>However, there are outliers- children who are taught to work hard and do well by sacrificing parents (a housekeeper producing a doctor son), or children who hate where they currently live and work to be better (an alcoholic producing a lawyer daughter), etc.</p>

<p>Also, about Vietnamese and Filipinos: Just because they don’t get very high-up jobs doesn’t mean they don’t make money. My friend’s family is Viet, they own a nail salon, yet they make so much money that his house is three times the size of mine. Another friend’s family owns a Chinese buffet that is actually pretty nasty and not well-perceived in the area, but he still has an amazing amount of luxuries and his house is, again, huge. We may perceive it culturally that they are doing a ‘labor job’ and therefore don’t make money or aren’t well-regarded by society, but I think we’d all be surprised if we only knew…</p>

<p>@ TCBH</p>

<p>What is wrong with using science to justify a view? Isnt that what science is about? Using empirical evidence on the ground to attempt to prove a claim is the basis of scientific knowledge. If a cause is identified and scientifically accurate, why is it “Scientific Racism” or whatever?</p>

<p>As a person who is neither a jew nor an asian, i am trying to find the objective cause to these groups’ success.</p>

<p>“It doesn’t imply that at all.”</p>

<p>Well, it does if we consider racism to be bad. At least that’s my reading of it.</p>

<p>Here’s an article I found on the New York Times relevant to this issue:</p>

<p><a href=“Opinion | Rising Above I.Q. - The New York Times”>Opinion | Rising Above I.Q. - The New York Times;

<p>Moreover, I also remember from reading an article at school a few years ago that Asians have better patience than other races that they are able to spend their time analyzing and figuring out a mathematics problem or understanding and retaining information.</p>

<p>asian and jewish and american.</p>

<p>I don’t think they/we/i make up 40% at ivy league schools… but I only read half of the first page :stuck_out_tongue:
I’m super tired, sorry!</p>

<p>It’s most likely because asian immigrant are typically the ones that were successful enough back in Asia to move into America, which translated into greater success for their American children. Same with Jews.</p>



<p>You might want to focus on that <em>scientifically accurate</em> provision.</p>




<p>Because our parents beat the **** outta us.</p>

<p>I’m going to throw something out there as well. Its not only about pushing kids, its also about parental support. The Asian (including Indian) and Jewish parents I know support, financially and emotionally, education over everything else. The cultures just emphasize this, and in turn the kids embrace it as well. As a result these kids I think have a little more of a “big picture” view on life, because they are lucky enough to know that if they do well their parents will back them no matter what. Its not like “now you’re 18, you’re out the door” rather its “please please please be at the top of your class and make us proud.”</p>

<p>^ Agreed as well.</p>

<p>Lol, where I live all the Jews are stoners. But they’re all really nice and chilled out, so I like them.</p>

<p>Well, it’s obvious why Jewish people are also known as “the chosen” people. If you look closely at religious texts like the Bible, Torah & Qur’an you will notice that God has always favored the Jewish people (e.g. like many of the religious figures/prophets such as Moses, Yousef, Ibrahim etc.). Also, it’s a fact that most Jewish people are gifted in some way. I’m not sure if it’s a genetic factor…but many Jewish people are very intelligent…and they’re good at most things they give their hand at. Even if you look at the important figures in history many of the significant ones were Jewish.</p>

<p>*I’m muslim…lol.</p>

<p>When white kids’ parents were in school, it was not hard at all to get into reputable Universities. Therefore, some probably do not realize that their kid can’t just slide by with C’s like they did and get into a top tier Private. Most Asian/Jewish parents probably had to work extremely hard for what they’ve earned, so they know that their children need to also work just as hard to succeed in life. (Just an observation, since most of the stoner drop-outs I know are uppermiddle class whites)</p>

<p>Note: This is coming from a white person.</p>



<p>Lower middle class workers who take on 3-4 jobs have done ‘well in life’. Because of their work ethic they have made it to a middle class lifestyle and escaped a life of poverty (as their parents may have lived). To get anything higher (true upper class), you have to be educated or lucky. </p>

<p>The Asian community stresses education and work ethic, so it would be natural for them to make it to an ‘upper class lifestyle’.</p>