Why do I keep on getting random mail from colleges?

<p>I'm a sophomore, and I keep on getting random mail from colleges. I got "find out more" brochures from RIT, U of Chicago, Columbia, U of Rochester, and other places. Why??
Doesn't really make sense.</p>

<p>Like most of us learned in kindergarten, if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything.</p>

<p>Really? Get off CC.</p>

<p>Splonk - Do you give that advice to everybody? Since you advice everyone to get off CC, why are you here?</p>

<p>Have you taken the PSAT? I’m pretty sure they distribute your address to every single college, fake college, and company whose name sort of sounds like it could be a college in the United States. If you’ve put your information anywhere on the Internet or for any college-related thing, you might have the same effect. I’m not sure, but maybe your school couselor also does the same thing.</p>

<p>Oh - that could be it. But why did they start coming all of a sudden now, when I took the PSAT in October?</p>

<p>Common sense questions… I hate them.
Get off CC or make fun threads. =)</p>

<p>Did you not notice any other threads about this in the last week?</p>

<p>Actually, I’m not on CC often enough to notice stuff like that. ThisCouldBeHeavn, thank you for enlightening me. Could you perhaps point me to one of them?</p>

<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/high-school-life/860764-ugh-my-inbox-swamped-post-psat-college-emails.html?highlight=mail[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/high-school-life/860764-ugh-my-inbox-swamped-post-psat-college-emails.html?highlight=mail&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Oh thanks!</p>

<p>Mine are snail mail, so let’s see how long it lasts . . .
I really hate how many trees are being killed for these pointless pamphlets</p>

<p>They’ll even come after you’ve applied to and been accepted at a college. They’ll even call even if you do Early Decision at a college and can’t go anywhere else. I bet there are a few people who are still getting college admissions pamphlets well into their 80s.</p>

<p>^ This is true. The last time I took a standardized test was in May 2009 and I’m STILL getting mail from colleges.</p>