Why do women want a career?

<p>I mean in the colonial times......</p>

<p>Ha! you're really bored aren't you?</p>

<p>Probably because they hated men who thinks they are "all" that. :] Just kidding! :/</p>

<p>My guess is that they wanted a career because spinning yarn and making clothes for their husbands is not that fun. :P</p>

<p>My first intent when I saw the title of this thread was to rant at you. Then I clicked on it, and here you are asking about the colonial times.</p>

<p>My first thought when clicking on the thread was to smile and nod in mild agreement. Why do they want a career anyhow?</p>

<p>Clearly, I'm not much of a feminist.</p>

<p>And then I saw you were asking about colonial times and went "bleeg."</p>

<p>To make up for their lack of pen!s.</p>

<p>Niice, Fides. I assume that's why you want a career? (Oooooohh, buuurrrrnnnn.)</p>



<p>Why women want a career? Even now because this world seems to be dominated by men and we know that we're smarter than you :p lol</p>

<p>^i love being smarter than guys i know :)</p>

<p>its empowering :p....but i like having interesting conversations about things with guys...not saying that all girls are airheads, but when i talk to other girls we tend to talk about stupid stuff..</p>

<p>why did women during colonial times want a career?</p>

<p>I wouldn't know. I wasn't alive then.</p>

<p>This is totally my guess, but I think that women back then had a career, because they somehow were confident that they could do things better than men. </p>

<p>Damn, I just sounded like a feminist. lol</p>

<p>technically, taking care of a house and kids is an occupation. Not a well paying one, but an occupation nonetheless.</p>

<p>Yeahh, but it's no way to live your life, though.</p>

<p>Many women lead perfectly happy and fulfilling lives as full-time mothers/homemakers. Just ask their husbands.</p>

<p>So many comebacks, cannot choose. :D</p>

<p>I never said I wanted a career...</p>

<p>i meant in today's times.....haha</p>

<p>The desire to understand why women want something is oxymoronish.</p>

<p>Do tell, chipset, do tell.</p>

<p>In answer to the original question:</p>

<p>Revenge. :P</p>

<p>Why is everyone so afraid of the F-word anyways?
I'm a feminist. I said it.</p>