Why do women want a career?

<p>Last time I heard hypocrisy is the latest trend for feminists and christians.</p>

<p>Last I heard males thought they controlled women. Yet another example of their glaring incompetence.</p>

<p>what are you talking about? i dont want a career. if i wanted a career i wouldn't want to major in something like english. :p</p>

<p>Isn't making me a sandwich enough of a career? What more is there in life besides child rearing, cooking, and cleaning? I mean, the #1 doctor in Kazakhstan proved that women have brains the size of squirrels, so they can't even comprehend careers or driving.</p>

<p>Neither can you, so I'm not going to take your opinion at face value.</p>


Last time I heard hypocrisy is the latest trend for feminists and christians.


<p>...definetly depends on what kind of "feminist" you are. Lipstick feminism and raunch culture feminism are extremely hypocritical (read "Female Chauvinist Pigs" by Ariel Levy for more info - it's a great book).</p>

<p>nice how guys that come to threads like this, usually knock women down.</p>

<p>Going back to the original question, they wanted equality? I am not much of a feminist, but women are definitely smarter than men</p>



<p>Eh. I agree with the second part anyways.</p>


<p>anyways, if i could find a husband who could give me enough money to do anything i wanted to, i'd be cool with not having a career. unfortunately, that will be pretty hard to do considering that i've been brought up in a pretty well off family. since my standards are high, i'll probably have to work to get all of the crap i want.</p>

<p>kE, do you have a problem with people who have the intelligence of a bar of soap? I think a bar of soap has a lot of intelligence, it is you, Sir, I am worried about</p>

<p>sorry, i had to respond to the women being smarter than men thing.</p>

<p><a href="http://www.collegeboard.com/prod_downloads/highered/ra/sat/SATPercentileRanksCompositeCR_M.pdf%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.collegeboard.com/prod_downloads/highered/ra/sat/SATPercentileRanksCompositeCR_M.pdf&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>this says otherwise.</p>

<p>bah, good catch</p>

<p>hmmm i need to go shopping.... anyone want me to make them finger sandwiches? :p</p>

<p>probably because the whole churning butter thing got a bit old ++ they wanted do to something to fulfill their dreams, if churning butter wasn't it! cause women have dreams too + they're just as smart as men, if not smarter.</p>


<p>bman14: sorry, i had to respond to the women being smarter than men thing.</p>

<p><a href="http://www.collegeboard.com/prod_dow...positeCR_M.pdf%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.collegeboard.com/prod_dow...positeCR_M.pdf&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>this says otherwise.</p>

Lol that's funny.</p>

<p>However women are better at art and men are better academically</p>

<p>Men and women are not equal. One is better than the other at certain things.</p>

<p>BTW feminists are so dumb. If you really want to have "equality" then why don't you start fighting at the front lines. Why don't you ask to be drafted too?</p>

<p>Women don't need equality. You have it better than men. So why do women keep complaining?</p>

<p>Maybe some didn't relate well to men.
I'd pretty much be sunk if society didn't value intelligence in girls.</p>

However women are better at art and men are better academically</p>

<p>Men and women are not equal. One is better than the other at certain things.


<p>Nah, I'm going to have to say men are better than women at everything. let's see in arts, Da Vinci, Donatello, Michelangelo, Picasso, and i'm going to stop there.</p>

<p>musicians: Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, Tchaikovsky, Louis Armstrong, Duke Ellington, John Williams</p>

<p>inventors: Ben Franklin, Wright brothers, Henry Ford, Graham bell, Edison, and i'll even add in Bill Gates. </p>

<p>sports: i won't even start.</p>

<p>heck, even the best gourmet cooks in the world are mostly men. i'm not saying women don't have talents, but fact of the matter is, men > women in basically every category. </p>

<p>on a side note, the dbq for apush in 2006 was about women's rights in the colonial times. that screwed me over... and in response to the original question, i would like to know that answer to that as well. if i was a girl, i'd just marry rich and go shopping every week.</p>

lol who wouldn't?</p>

<p>if all women were like that, just think about what would happen to the world</p>

<p>^Not all women are goodlooking enough to nab them a rich person. Listen to Kanye West's Work Out Tape to see how you can land yourself an NBA player.</p>