<p>not all guys are rich</p>
<p>i'm female,</p>
<p>the overwhelming majority of answers posted have been totally wrong - due to the fact that like usual people think of what humans want now without taking into account other factors.</p>
<p>However, there have been some sweet burns.</p>
<p>number one, contrary to popular belief the overwhelming majority of women did not start wanting careers because they wanted to do more fulfilling **** with their life. i doubt in the olden times women were sitting around washing their kids clothes and raising them and then thinking to themselves as they were looking at their children "damn i want to do something more fulfilling with my life". they were raising their kids and taking care of their familes - how the hell wouldn't that have been fulfilling in the eyes of mothers and wives across the country. (i'm not a fan of kids so i'm not presenting a biased sentence here).</p>
<p>women began to have careers out of necessity. as the country became more and more industrialized a family could not survive on one salary and therefore the mother needed to go to work and bring money into the houseld. as more and more women went to work the smart ones began thinking "why the hell am i working at this ****ty job putting the same kind of effort my husband is putting into his job yet getting less out of it?" and a major reason (notice i said one reason so there are others but this is a significant one) they fought for these better jobs and positions was due to the fact of providing a better life for their family and their kids.</p>
<p>yes yes there are those out there today that don't really want kids (myself included) but these are expections the majority still want families and a big reason behind their actions is doing what's best for those families.</p>
<p>if in today's society one could get away on one salary i'm sure that the number of housewives and stay at home moms would be significantly higher.</p>
<p>And I suppose you know, empirically, that most women would prefer to stay home and tend quietly to their brood?</p>
<p>Guess I am not the typical women then ( I'm glad)</p>
<p>I guess I'm not either then.</p>
<p>the typical response i kind of expected. </p>
<p>look i'm not saying women today don't want to climb the career ladder because they want to be respected independent intellectuals. I, you, you, and the other one sure want to achieve this And I have been lucky enough to not have rough hardships in my life that would make me getting an education a tad difficult. This is why many wish to come to America, to be able to live a comfortable lifestyle, to be able to have choices coming out of the wazoo, to be able to get an education rather than worry just about hunger and whether your family is going to be healthy and ok down the road. America has reached the point where people are alloted the luxury of not worrying about the necessities of life. </p>
<p>However, this was not true at a certain point in time. You can't sit there and tell me that after hundred of years of working in the home women woke up one morning and said to themselves "f-uck this sitting home and taking care of the children, I'm smart enough to work outside the home just like my husband and i'll be dammed if I won't". Something had to initiate the whole process and that something was the fact that families could not survive on one salary. Eventually things progressed and women wanted to be rewarded the same as men for their work and to achieve this they had to prove to the men and themselves that they are just as good and this prooving was achieved through gettting an education and moving on up. </p>
<p>Even in modern times a good deal of Americans are struggling to get by. You're telling me that a girl that lives in "hood" etc. isnt thinking about a family when deciding she is going to escape that life. When asked why you want an education the first thing I hear people that live in those type of conditions say is something along the lines of the following, "I wish to do better for myself and one day have a family and I do not my kids to live in the same conditions. I want to do better for them." For women that have kids, the kids usually seems to be the greatest motivator/influnce in the decisions they make - I'm talking aboout decent citizen females here not criminals. And even criminals actually. When one does drugs and sometimes say they want to get an education the first words coming out of their mouths is "I wanna do better for my kids."</p>
<p>One other thing, why like others must you look negatively upon homemakers and make them sound like they all lead a negative lifestyle? Why must it be that all housewives "tend quitely over their brood". Both my grandmothers had only four classes of education and were mainly housewives working also outside the home but clearly not in an educated type field. The relationships that they had with my grandfathers were 50/50 and each partner respected the other very much. My grandmothers did not regret the fact that they worked making cigarettes or raising pigs. Do I think they led a bad lifestyle? No. Do they think they led a bad lyfestyle? No. Because what mattered to them most in the worl was right there at their side?</p>
<p>To those of you COMICALLY taking anything said here seriously: I have a knife for you, which you may use to cut through the thick irony. What irony? The irony you create with your arguments. By seriously arguing, you play into the stereotype (which may I add none of the guys with half a brain here have seriously supported) of women having less intelligence than men. </p>
<p>never mind</p>
<p>this is just one of those topics that get people all fired up.</p>
<p>It's their mojo, leave them alone KE-</p>
<p>whatever gives them their rush.</p>