why does nobody respond to my chance threads?

<p>I am currently a Junior
Ethnicity: filipino
GA resident, private school
UW GPA: 3.91ish
-school doesn't rank, but think I think I'm in the top 1-3%
SAT I's (would it be worth my time taking this again?)
Math: 800
CR: 730

<p>will probably take SAT Math II, Chemistry, and US History in May
Projected scores (Based on practice tests):
Math II: 800
Chemistry: 760
U.S. History: 800</p>

<p>Past AP's: US Gov and Politics-5</p>

<p>Current Load
1. Integrated Physics
2. Advanced PreCal
3. AP US History
4. AP English Language
5. Web Design
6. Advanced Spanish IV
7. AP Chemistry</p>

<p>My only B's have been graphic design freshman year and AP Gov last year(will a 5 on the exam atone for this)? I got straight A's last semester, but will probably get a B in AP English language and A's in everything else. </p>

<p>Next year, I plan on taking AP Calc BC, AP Lit, AP Bio, Ap Physics C, and (probably) AP Stats.</p>


<p>Boy Scouts
-Eagle Scout (just did my board of review). My project was building benches, pressure-washing old ones, and putting sealant.
-Senior Patrol Leader during 10th grade, Patrol Leader during 9th
-broke a national record for hiking. I hiked the Bartram Trail (100 miles/5 days, has a lot of elevation)
-LOTS of community service projects
-raised money for inner-city kids to buy scout uniforms </p>

<p>Tennis (all 4 years)
-private lesons
-varsity tennis</p>

<p>Academic Quiz Bowl team (10-12)</p>

<p>I founded and am president of our school's food critic club. We go to restaurants about once a month and write critiques about them, which are published in the school newspaper.</p>

-private lessons
-Superior Rating (9,10,11) at Solo Ensemble Festival
-Community Jazz Band (9-12)
-GISA all-select band member (11th grade) (top band members of private schools in GA)
-played for church on Sundays
-invited to play at school's open house 10th grade</p>

-invited to play at several concerts</p>

<p>Young Republicans (should i say this? i know prestigious colleges are very liberal?)
-helped a bake sale to fund troops in Iraq and Afghanistan
-helped campaign for John Mccain and senator Saxby Chambliss</p>

<p>Duke TIP summer program (summers after 9th and 10th grade, I respectively studied macroecon. and robotics)</p>

-food-trying at restaurants (and even cooking some by myself)

I also volunteer at the library during the summer.
I also made the state round for MathCounts in 8th grade. (Is there any way to say this even though it was in middle school)
I received national honors in 7th grade for the SAT math portion. (see above parenthetical statement)
-Traveled around Europe.
-I'm almost certain my PSAT score will qualify me for semifinalist standing in the NMS search.</p>

<p>Recommendations: I know several teachers at my school who like me and will probably write well about me.</p>

<p>-I'm also expecting to receive some school awards (2-3ish) by the end of this school year</p>

<p>Schools I'm applying to (give me percentage numbers and indicate safety, match, low reach, etc.):
Georgia Tech

<p>Georgia Tech: Safety
UVA: idk how hard it is to get in out of state, but probably high match?
Northwestern: Match:
UChicago: High match - low reach
Brown: low reach
Princeton: reach, you need something special to stand out
Harvard: reach, you need something special to stand out
Yale: reach, you need something special to stand out
Stanford: reach, you need something special to stand out
(Yes, all the HYPS are the same)
UPenn: mid reach
MIT: reach, you don’t seem to have that much of an engineering flair
Caltech: see above
Overall you have an ok application, but some points: Leave out middle school stuff, colleges don’t care about that. I suggest a second shot at the SAT’s, also try to play up the musical portion of your application, that might help. Colleges don’t care what politics you are.</p>

<p>Chance me back? <a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/898730-chances-duke-penn-cornell.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/898730-chances-duke-penn-cornell.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>even the national record hike wouldn’t make me stand out? I got recognized by governor Sonny Purdue and the national head of boy scouts for that feat. The award I got was 100 miles to celebrate 100 years of scouting.</p>

<p>tjkid2011’s chances are spot-on. Your resume screams “privileged” (private lessons for piano, trumpet, and tennis, food critic, European travel, Duke TIP) and most of the reach schools on your list have enough of those people applying already.</p>

<p>You may also want to remove the school-level awards/recognition, and only include the activities you organized and not participated in for your resume.</p>

<p>Personally, I think the hiking record would make a good essay, but not sure if it’s impressive enough to have an impact on your chances at the Ivy-caliber schools.</p>

<p>Numerically, what percentage ranges would “reach,” “low reach,” “high match,” and “match” make up? Would “reach” be about 30%?</p>