Why is CC not listed as top LAC on this site?

<p>Prior to my S 's decision to attend Colorado College this fall I was not very familiar with the college and its academic reputation. After doing my homework ---as a graduate of Mount Holyoke College I did note that US News and World Reports ranks it above MHC --I am very impressed and curious why College Confidential does not list Colorado College under "top LACs".</p>

<p>Me too. US News ranks Colorado College as #26. CC skips around and includes some colleges down to #37 on it's "Top LAC's" list, but not Colorado College. What's up with that?</p>

<p>Always wondered that myself. Oh well, I kind of like that people don't know about it, that way the school attracts kids that are a good fit for the school and don't just want to attend for prestige.</p>

<p>CC is not listed as tops because it is really a popularity contest here, judged by how many posts are made to the site, I believe. Not many people inquire or look for these smaller schools that are not in the mainstream despite their quality. We looked at a number of them and they are truly gems.</p>