<p>The words "he" and "his" are grammatically correct; I got tons of points off a paper for using "their" and "he/she."</p>
His/her is so unwieldy. I use "their" in speech and "his" in writing. I don't like when others use the singular "they" in writing, but usually I don't notice.
"his" isn't politically or socially correct. There are females in this world you know . I think "Why are all Asian kids interrogated about their grades" would be better.
<p>Oh FFS give me a ***an break. Who cares if it's "his" or "his or her"? PC has gone too far these days.</p>
<p>it is HIS.
oh gosh my English teacher goes nuts on this. it definitely isn't "their" and "his or her" is just bulky and stupid and idiotic.<br>
btw, she is female, and gets annoyed when other female teachers try to make grammar all PC
in her words, spoken sometime in the first week of class:
"it's 'his.' if you're so insecure about your gender that you have to use 'his or her,' then you have other problems. Feminism does not apply to grammar. Deal."</p>
<p>"his" applies to both genders, thank you very much.</p>
<p>this is, of course, in grammar. informal speech.....who gives a shizznit</p>