Why is info on the Portal consistently unreliable this year?

<p>Well, maybe it's just my info, or the info for a handful of us, but...</p>

<p>Just wondering if I am the only one having an issue with my Penn Portal info not being up to date (still says they don't have my Mid-Year report) despite my having sent it via US Postal, and then FAX, and then email. Plus they say they have my transcript, even though that was in the same envelope. But when I call the admissions office, the woman says she cannot see any more info besides the Portal, so she cannot confirm or deny if they have my stuff. And when I asked if they would have sent me an email if anything is missing, she said that they are very, very backed up this year so she did not think anyone would be able to if that was the case.</p>

<p>For any current Penn students: Is the administration / bureaucracy / IT at Penn this messed up typically, or is this only an admissions office issue? Is it only due to some technology issues this year? </p>

<p>For anyone who has insight into admissions: If they are so backed up this year, does that mean they might be late in getting their admissions decisions done. I mean, if they can't find documents, how are they making decisions? </p>

<p>I think I read in another thread on here that mid-year stuff is really not important (not even sure if it was Penn or some other schooll), so maybe that's the answer...</p>

<p>Anyway, thanks. I'm trying to not freak out.</p>

<p>oh yeah. same with me.</p>

<p>something cannot be consistently unreliable</p>

<p>same here~
portal shows that my toefl score and huntsman essay r still missing~</p>

<p>my portal kept saying my application fee was never sent, even though the bank account specifically had the money gone from the check. i stopped worrying about it after a while…</p>

<p>MyPennPortal is awful. I just lost my password and it won’t accept any of my responses to those challenges I set up.
Then when I found a way that they could email me my password if I gave them my email, they said my email was not on record
For god sakes these people have my social security number, address, tax forms, life story, etc. And they still don’t remember my email address!!!</p>

<p>Makes you loose a faith a little doesn’t it?</p>

<p>They implemented a new system.</p>

<p>mattwonder: It can be consistently unreliable for the purposes upon which you want to rely on.</p>