Why is the To all the Greek Apologists thread a "Featured thread"? It hasn't had a post for months!

<p>Mods…can that thread be removed as a “featured thread” and replaced with one more timely?? </p>

<p>There have been no replies because this thread was closed some time ago. Make a suggestion for a thread to be featured so you’re not disappointed with what someone else picks? ;)</p>

<p>How about the Roll Call for Class of 2018? That would be a great featured thread.</p>

<p>I agree with Mom. Plenty of other more relevant and recent threads .</p>

<p>The Roll Call thread would be GREAT! and relevant!</p>

<p>Didn’t think we were supposed to engage moderators publicly, but if so, I would unlock and feature “ask me” threads by current students like RollTideBio. Have read very informative “ask me” threads recently by Duke and Pitt students that were great specific information, so unsure where the prohibition came from here. Our loss.</p>

<p>Mom2Twins, I think if that thread’s title had been changed to something like the new one I made, it could have stayed open. There’s no reason why RollTideBio can’t continue to answer questions in the new thread I made.</p>

<p>I would also add that while getting current students’ perspectives is super, a current sophomore hasn’t experienced much of the premed process. Junior and Senior premed students would be able to contribute add’l info and might not post in a thread that they thought “belonged” to another person. </p>

<p>I think any student can speak to his/her own experience and that of his peers – in fact RollTideBio did an excellent job in his responses, IMO. Other school forums have allowed such threads so it seems inconsistent to close one here. </p>

<p>While there is abundant information about the generic med school app process online at AAMC, individual school websites, CC’s pre-med forum, SDN, etc., there is not a great deal of information about what Alabama students are doing to prepare for their application cycle, expecially what specific options are available in Tuscaloosa. The more perspectives in that arena, the better. I hope RollTideBio and other students will post, but I can understand why they may be hesitant.</p>

<p>Yes, students can/should speak of their experiences. And, Bama premeds should post on the new thread that I created. </p>