<p>It just seems like noone posts on the ND forum anymore compared to other schools.</p>
<p>we’re just waiting to hear back…what to talk about</p>
<p>i agree, vinnie. i checked nd’s thread all the time last year as a senior in hs. i’ll admit i check periodically still, but i’ve noticed, too, that the activity seems to have slowed down. hopefully this doesn’t reflect any decline in school spirit from the domers =)</p>
<p>go irish, and best of luck to those of you waiting on rd this spring!</p>
<p>everyone’s filling out fasfa garbage :)</p>
<p>The economy has caused everybody to cancel their internet subscription. My last post ever now, as I am canceling in seconds.</p>
<p>I have noticed this also, that there are a lot less posts at the ND section. Also, there are a lot less buzz for ND for the EA admitted students when you log into the ND admitted students web site. I thought there would be a couple of hundred log in for kids from Michigan web site, where these kids try to connect to other michigan high school kids that are admitted.</p>
<p>I think the reason is parents are rethinking the costs of ND, we sure have.</p>
<p>Well think about it- applications are in, EA is long over, and RD results won’t be coming in for a while. What’s there to talk about?</p>
<p>MiPerson80, while that could be the case, I believe the more parsimonious answer is that Michigan is a MUCH bigger school and there are a lot more students so far who have been accepted to Michigan.</p>
<p>I know personally this feels like the peak of senior year with our finals just ending today and preparing for activities and classes for the spring semester. I’m sure that the closer we get to summer the more I (and probably most of the senior class) will be thinking about college and thus checking on here more frequently.</p>
<p>but it is strange, I am not seeing the posts for the Michigan kids who go to catholic HS’s in the admitted students, not even one kid from Brother Rice.</p>
<p>I was thinking the same thing prior to this post, but after seeing this post I went back and compared the number of original posts (all categories) starting 12/1/07 through 1/26/08 to the number of posts from 12/1/08 through 1/26/09 finding there are actually (35%+/-) more posts this year for ND. I didn’t count how many people replied to the posts this year, but I think this year there seems to be fewer people who are the “power” posters that have 5,000-10,000 posts that would always comment on whatever was on the board. Not complaining about any of them; they all added great input. Some may have just moved on.</p>
<p>Loll I liked the answers about the FAFSA and about the cancelling the Internet bc of the economy. I guess it probably is because we’re all just waiting to hear back. Good luck to everyone, hopefully I’ll see you there next year!</p>
<p>There’s no rhyme or reason to it.</p>
<p>Some great colleges (Caltech, Columbia, Duke) just have dead forums.</p>