<p>Well, I'm home because I acted like a fool and got banned from my partner's campus. She's going to a party at her college without me. I don't hang out with those I formerly hung out with any more--they're still f u c k' en around in the streets. I once had a constituency, but not any more. Perhaps when I begin college, I'll find intellectuals whom are still hood/street.</p>
<p>I'm home on a Friday night because today's my one day midwinter recess break. I guess I got thrown out of routine because I was out yesterday...which was a thursday.</p>
<p>I'm home because I'm exhausted for no reason. I'll be busy the rest of the weekend though: track meet, concert, art museum (for class), and then planning, producing, and rehearsing the scene from Hamlet for my english class with my group.</p>
<p>I'm home on a Friday night because it's a teacher professional day and the first day of my four-day weekend. I had a job interview at Starbucks at 5:30, then brought home a burrito from Chipotle for dinner. I was supposed to see a movie with a friend today, but I... couldn't be bothered. I'll be seeing other friends tomorrow, though, so it's all good.</p>
<p>I am home because this stupid girl that I went out with twice that I met on match.com hasn't answered her damn phone all night. Last night she was all ready to hook up, but no answer from the phone tonight. These women communicate about as well as a ceiling fan.</p>
<p>"Ceiling fan," one of the few things I have read that made me laugh out loud. Good look'en.</p>
<p>Hahah joe. I love that. </p>
<p>anyway I'm trying to figure out how to work Photoshop. Anyone out there knooowwww??
I'm home tonight because some this little town suckz, and when there is something to do, it's pretty boring and i end up leaving. I went out earlier though, with some friends, and had a chick fil a chicken sandwich with no pickles and yum. a lot of time was spent driving today though .. oh yeah i'm also looking for a camera online now too. and talking with a friend i havent seen in 2.5 years. we plan to meet up again, in about a year lolz.
I think I made the tpbm thread on a friday night. hmm random stuff seems to happen on friday nights
I could be playing poker now but i suck at that. . so no. .</p>
<p>Sarorah, what is tpbm?</p>
<p>Heheh, well it's this game, Tpbm stands for the the person below me. You make a comment about the person below you, and then the next person to respond will say if it's true or false and continue with a new comment.
Turns out actually that I made the thread on a sunday night, a little more than a year ago. IT's uh in the high school life, its crazy, when i made it, i didnt think anyone would want to play it.</p>
<p>I am home on Friday night. I was planning on emailing a friend of mine a few days ago to try out swing dancing with me at the university, but I never got around to it, so swing came and went. But, I'll email him soon, so that is what I will probably ber doing next Friday.
<p>swing dancing is fun!, but im not that great
my partner said i wasn't "jello" enough . .. =</p>
<p>I'm home on a Friday because this guy I've been hanging out with lately went on a camping trip this weekend (ie getting drunk in the desert with his friends) and I have a paper due Monday anyway. suck.</p>
<p>Because I was exhausted.</p>
<p>That and I don't really hang out much anyway.</p>
<p>I was looking for my shinguards.
soccer tryouts start right when I get back from breka.</p>
<p>I had pistol sectionals to qualify for nationals Friday but I'm sure I didn't make it. Afterward I watched some awesome boxing. so bloody. Spent the rest of the night doing homework.</p>
<p>I had a job interview at Starbucks at 5:30,</p>
<p>Starbucks hires people under 18? Didn't know that. I'm in the process of applying for a job at Blockbuster (though I probably won't get it due to nonexistance experience)</p>
<p>I pretty much always stay home on Friday night because that's when all the middle school and junior high kids run amuck all over town...</p>
<p><a href="though%20I%20probably%20won't%20get%20it%20due%20to%20nonexistance%20experience">quote</a>
<p>Hey, it's not just you. The job market does suck a lot.</p>
<p>Funny how I am being offered 3 jobs at once at the moment (all in my field) after not getting 1 offer in almost a year.</p>
<p>[EDIT: Take that back, I've gotten an offer or two in between, but never took them.]</p>
<p>Keep trying. Something will pop up. Always does.</p>
<p>I was at home last night because all 8 of my best friends don't go out, and my best guy friend lives at least half an hour away.</p>
Starbucks hires people under 18? Didn't know that.
The age limit is 16, actually.</p>