why should you send ACT scores to colleges?

<p>im going to be a senior and i was wondering what the advantages are when you send ACT scores to colleges before you apply. thanks</p>

<p>I've always wondered the same thing (For SAT scores)...I still don't know the answer thoug, sorry.</p>

<p>Well, if you send in your ACT scores, in many cases, you don't need to send in SAT IIs (and thereby even take them!). If you send the SAT, you'll probably need SAT IIs along with the SAT. It's your choice...</p>

<p>the only test ive taken (and will take) is the ACT, though.</p>

<p>You can save money if you use the free reports. That's the only advantage I can think of.</p>

<p>Uh, you don't have to worry if they'll get to the college on time?</p>

<p>Twenty-something years ago, a college in a neighboring state was recruiting above average students from our state. My daughter sent her scores (and other info that you fill out on your SAT form) and received an acceptance letter that she could sign and mail back. Talk about not having to do all of the application nonsense.</p>

<p>^ I wish it were like that today. I'm thinking of finishing high school with an AA degree, though, so I don't have to go through a lot of that nonsense. Sure, no senior prom, but I'll be around smarter kids than those numbnuts in my high school, (even though it's just a community college).</p>

<p>That means more virtual school and more APs and now CLEPs.</p>