Why U Miami when got accepted in UF ??

<p>I see Lilymoon is back at her Miami bashing. Only this time doing it in private pms so we can not contradict her slanted views. </p>

<p>Lilymoon, you need to get over it and move on…</p>

<p>I’m having the same dilemma about choosing between Miami or UF. I received a $20k scholarship to attend Miami and could afford it without taking out loans for undergrad. I’ve been accepted into Miami’s business school and am considering pursuing a degree in international finance and marketing. </p>

<p>What do you guys think? Obviously this is the UMiami blog so I’m expecting a bias toward Coral Gables. Is the extra $52k for 4 years worth it? I live in Florida and qualify for Bright Futures and the instate grant. </p>

<p>Thank you very much!!</p>

<p>I graduated last year and am now paying off my loans, and in my opinion, if you can go to school for free (or close to it), you should. Especially a school as good as UF. That’s great that you wouldn’t have to take out loans, but $52k is still A LOT of money. Honestly, college degrees are becoming more and more worthless since they’ve started letting everyone get one and they’re just not worth the money most of us pay for them.</p>

<p>With that said, I freaking despise the Gators and their obnoxious fans. Go Canes.</p>

Putting aside fit (large vs small, private Vs public, etc…) in the case of UM and UF, they are realistically comparable. In your case, as in the OP, it makes sense to go to UF. Great school. Great price.</p>

<p>I can not stress strongly enough how UM was/is a great school for my son. He is happy and is receiving a great education. No issues at all. He and we would likely be just as happy had he attended many other schools that were on his list. Take advantage of what each school offers you. Be proactive where ever you are.</p>