<p>Well i came here from India back there they had electronic and communications engg major</p>
<p>and electrical engg... the thing is i like electronics but here in USA there is only electrical major....gosh why is that so i hate it man coz well i have to go for electrical engg sad</p>
<p>back there in india electrical engg consisted of u knw making big appliances such as electric generator ummm iron press or maiking a washing machine and all stuff u knw dealing with big things
in electronics u deal with silicon chips …p diodes n type diodes … pn juction etc… u deal wit the new generation tech make small things and all</p>
<p>There are US universities with engineering departments that offer coursework in electronics and communications systems, even though they may not offer degrees in them. For example, one can study communications theory as part of MIT’s 6-2 EECS option.</p>
<p>I’m curious why you wanted to come to the US even though (according to you) it doesn’t offer the engineering programs you want.</p>
<p>Umm I’m not sure how making the circuits in a washing machine requires a different major than making the circuits in a smaller devices? Besides the washing machines today use these silicon chips you speak of and have microcontrollers in them. </p>
<p>Electrical Engineering deals with everything you described and more. Heck I’m a CompE and we study all the topics you described…</p>
<p>No the kinds of stuff he’s talking about is electric power systems and power electronics which is treated as a subarea of electrical engineering here in the states.</p>
<p>yea i dnt like mechanics man fulcrum and stuff … and well thnx for the replies which made to come to a conclusion that electrical and electronics is same in US and speaking why i came here i didnt come here for only studying my family recievd permanent resident ship here…so there .You got the answer although it wasnt a q to be asked</p>
<p>Some engineering colleges you have to learn both. I still remember the big electric generator that caused a fire at my school. I was extremely nervous taking the power class(I don’t remember the exact title) but one false move and you are toast!</p>