<p>After seeing this video:</p>
<p>Nothing is better than Ithaca in the spring time.</p>
<p>After seeing this video:</p>
<p>Nothing is better than Ithaca in the spring time.</p>
<p>that asian dude has some moves. Solid.</p>
<p>sorry, this video actually makes me feel bad about cornell...is this hs musical or something?</p>
<p>"is this hs musical or something?"</p>
<p>Ummm, no. Were you sheltered as a youth? Do you know who John Travolta is?</p>
<p>who doesn't know Travolta? I stopped watching this video past first 9 seconds into it...</p>
<p>Dude, if after watching this vid...makes u think nothing is better...then seriously....u need to grow up!</p>
<p>it's from Grease, just to break the news</p>
<p>I think some of these posters were born in 1998 or something.</p>
<p>^lol.......i highly doubt that.....hey...it's CC u know!</p>
<p>gomestar, chill out, dude. I am a cornell student. I was remarking on the lousy dancing moves from the vid, since i am not a fan of those types of things.</p>
<p>i know i know, i just wondered since it's some of the most recognizable music around. </p>
<p>the only thing good that came out of high school musical were those nude pictures of Vanessa Hudgens.</p>
<p>Bah. It's a bunch of kids having fun. Who can have an issue with that?</p>
<p>hahahaahahh i was there for cornell days and my friend and i saw them filming outside CTB at like midnight! we were so so confused. yet they were having so much fun...it made me all the more excited for cornell! hahaaha</p>
<p>I thought it was awesome...but mystified I heard nothing about the senior prom. </p>
<p>Too bad it's $40 a ticket and I've spent over $150 for senior week. Still makes me love Cornell even more :-)</p>