Widely used Cell Phones

<p>Hey Guys</p>

<p>I got accepted ED to Penn and ill be going there this fall. I have started planning about what all I will take there and I reached a point where I couldnt decide as to if I should buy a I Phone or a Blackberry. Money is not an issue so feel free to leave any other suggestions.</p>

<p>The I Phone 5 will release this July and the Blackberry Torch is also out right now. Which one should I get. My main point is that the I Phone trumps the torch in every aspect apart from the BlackBerry Messenger. So here is my MOST IMPORTANT question. How popular is BBMing in Penn?? Is it like BBM fest over there or is the I Phone more popular ? Social life is a pretty big thing for me. So I wouldnt want to miss out on anything. (Dont Judge :D )</p>

<p>All replies will be greatly appreciated.
Thanks :)</p>

<p>Lol, as sad as this is go for the IPhone. You honestly can’t go wrong with one :D.</p>

<p>Blackberries are probably the most popular phone at Penn. A lot of people have iphones too, but more have blackberries. bbming is popular.</p>

<p>UVA - how is this sad??</p>

<p>Poeme - thanks a lot. Would you suggest buying a normal Black Berry Bold like a 9780 and an I Touch or a Black berry torch only ?? Cuz that way I get the best of both worlds. Lets hope the I Phone 5 can somehow incorporate BBMing.</p>

<p>How could the iPhone incorporate BlackBerry Messaging? That is something that entices people to purchase Blackberries regardless of carrier, and it is damn effective. They wouldn’t magically start extending the service to a direct competitor! If you’re talking about the concept, however, that is reasonable now that iPhones are on two major networks.</p>

<p>Blackberries are very popular, especially among Wharton students.</p>

<p>I was considering it sad that you’re basing your decision on which phone to get based upon its popularity. I mean I guess we all do this, you just came outright and said it. </p>

<p>BTW, what is bbming? I’ve actually never heard of this before and I’m a pretty techy guy (Iphone ftw :D)</p>

<p>blackberry messaging you have someone’s bbm pin # and u can message them for free regardless of the carrier
it’s honestly the same thing as texting, but its more ~exclusive</p>

<p>I’d still go for the iPhone. It’s constantly evolving with the newest technology and many university make apps specifically tailored for it. I know my state flagship has an app that can track where each bus is for the bussing system. My brother (who goes there) says it is extraordinarily convenient in the cold. Plus iPhone has many apps now that can text for free and even a group text app that is reminiscent of chat rooms from the AIM era.</p>

<p>I’d go with an iPhone, especially if you want to play games haha.</p>

<p>Are Droids part of the smart phone populus, or not so much?</p>

<p>I’ve heard Blackberries have a slight edge on iPhones at Penn, probably purely because of the paraprofessional attitudes of lot of the students, but if you’re honestly worried that you won’t be invited to some <em>exclusive</em> college party (that phrase seems oxymoronic) because you don’t have BBM then go for the BB.</p>

<p>All my friends have DROIDs. I don’t associate with the iPhone or BB filth.</p>

<p>Havent you heard of whatsapp??
You can get the iphone and download whatsapp. Almost every BB user has whatsapp.</p>

<p>wow thanks for the gr8 advise guys.
I m still confused though. Cuz the I Phone is uber cool and the apps are so useful but as some Penn students have said, BBMing is a rage in Penn. I guess ill buy an I Pod Touch and a BB Bold 9780.
Anyone else??</p>

<p>Don’t you think it is a bit ridiculous to carry around two devices?
I would suggest just going with one or the other and getting yourself a pair of Jimmy Choo shoes instead.</p>

<p>I’m not going to lie I went through this same dilemma in december and I ended up going with the iPhone. I wanted to have BBM but i don’t think its going to be so dominant a trend that having it would be worth getting up the amazing features iPhone has. I seriously love my iPhone with all my heart, all the apps are amazing, the picture quality is far superior than a blackberry. And if you don’t BBM, you can just text them.</p>

<p>I actually have an iphone, and I like it for how easy it is to go online and check emails. While I kind of felt a little left out when everyone was exchanging pins or whatever you call them during NSO (I didn’t know what BBMing was until then), it’s really not a big deal at all. Many people (probably even the majority) do not have smart phones and they get along just fine. It’s just nice in my opinion to be able to go online without having to carry your lap top everywhere.</p>

<p>I think there are simply too many pros in features for the iPhone to really put it under a blackberry in terms of messaging. The hardware is superb on the iPhone and is a better device in terms of build quality. Blackberry is still struggling to develop a mobile operating system capable of competing with iOS and android. If I were you I would choose an iPhone.</p>

<p>well i guess CC has spoken!!
I Phone it is. The inability to BBM is a small price to pay.</p>

<p>The two devices thing is a big turn down. Your right 212Dad.</p>

<p>once again…WHATSAPP, its an app for iphone, android and BB.
It works through data connection or wifi, you are “online” all the time, the thing is that you dont go online or offline (like with BBM u r connected 24/7) you dont have a pin or an address. I am an iphone fan and just started with Android (so far loving it), I had a BB for 3 days and couldnt stand the bad pic quality, tinny screen etc…so I got rid of it. Anyhow 70% of my friends have BBs, 50% of them have whatsapp. With whats app im in touch with all my friends who have bbs, android and iphone. :slight_smile: with whatsapp you get the best of both worlds lol (i sound like an ad)</p>