Will 2-3 Cs in CP classes destroy my chances for UCLA, UCB, UCI, UCSD, UCD, or UCSB?

Wondering because I have a 3.71 UC Capped and Weighted GPA, and a 1500 SAT score.

Other stuff:

Have not taken Subject tests yet
Ap: APUSH, APP1, APPC, all scores pending (For senior year, AP Chem and Calc AB, Self Studying Ap Music Theory)
Major: Mathematics for computation
I did early college at my highschool, which is a program that lets you graduate with an Associates Degree from highschool, from taking college courses at a local community college
ECs: Eagle scout, Internship at USC relating to Chemistry, 4 years of Marching band as a sousaphone, section leader for 1 year, CM LVL 8 for Piano, Classical Karnatic Music for 9 years, KCA (Kannada Cultural Association) Youth committee president for 1 year (worked on organizing fundraisers, community activities), wind ensemble at school, trumpet for 4 years, Tae Kwon Do for 6 years and 2nd degree black belt (Not sure if this counts because it was in middle school)
Hooks: First gen, parents were immigrants from India,

PS: I wasn’t sure if this is important, but for the USC Internship, I have done 2 years, but I dont have much to show in terms of projects, just confirmation from the head of the chemistry department. The Intership only has 3 highschool students who just help out, but the work seems to be pretty important, the head of the project worked with a team to win a nobel prize in Carbocations via superacids, and the project right now is replacing normal fuel like gasoline with ethanol. Would mentioning or going into detail about this in my transcript be beneficial?

2-3 C’s will not destroy your chances but with a UC GPA under 4.0, your chances are not great even with a competitive SAT. You definitely have some great things going for you beyond the GPA but there is no way to chance an applicant based on the subjective aspects of their application so apply widely and love your safety schools.

You can use one of the personal insight essays to address your USC internship.

Is it more helpful to do a double major, like in music, or is it better to apply for one major generally?

If there is an upward trend every semester in terms of GPA per semester, does that show growth or is that not a factor?

3.71 Capped GPA will make things hard. Focus on UCSC, where CS is quite good. Include several CSU’s since your GPAxSAT score will be excellent.
UC’s are highly focused on GPA (10-11). You may have a better shot at universities that focus equally on GPA and SAT.

Do you know your parents’ budget? Do you know your EFC?

In case there’s a confusion: “First gen” means neither parent has a college degree, not “first generation in the US” - obviously, a student can be both. :slight_smile:

All the schools you list are reaches - you should apply but, don’t expect a miracle. I’d add UCR, SDSU and CSULB to your ap list
Good luck

I had the same stats and did not get into any of those UCs. Only UCSC and UCR…