will 3 b's freshman year affect my college admissions?

im currently a freshman, and this year i will have 3 b’s as final grades in GT biology GT precalc and GT english. im taking all gt classes, except for spanish (honors) and electives. my psat score was at the 98 percentile. if i raise my grades and get straight a’s for the rest of highschool, will my 3 b’s hurt my chance of admission?

No, it will not, but you should weigh the idea of dropping a level in one or two of those classes.

Do not think 'Every point I get off of a homework or test is a point away from going to Harvard."
Think: “I need to do my best, and there will be a college that is right for me when I graduate.”

Do not think “If I don’t go to an Ivy League School/Top20, I am doomed forever.”
Think: “No matter where I go, I can bloom where I am planted. I can get involved and shine.”

Do not think: “My life is over…the kid in my math class is taking 20 APs and I am taking 5. I will never succeed.”
Think: “I need to challenge myself, but only to the point where I can still do well.”