<p>satI 2040 , going to retake get a better math hope for 2300+
math 660 verbal 710 writing 670</p>
<p>here'es my stuff, condensed for people who don't like to read, just leave some advice, be harsh please</p>
<p>thanks a lot</p>
high school junior, caucasian male
sat math 660
verbal 710
writing 670
(im going to retake to improve the math and hopefully the writing as well)
sat chem and us history sat II pending next weekend
plan on taking sat II math level two and biology
high school gpa 99.6 last quarter whatever that is on a 4.0 scale
top of my class by a long shot, small class, 100-120 people</p>
no ap's
iall the hardest classes
collegelevel next year. 4 cred college clas over summer anatomy/physiology</p>
clarinet first seat top level solo next all country orchestra and band
play some saxophone
jazz guitar w/ the school next year
karate for like 10/11 years
national honor society, along with the french and science national honor society.
some sort of student government (ie class president) next year
tutoring kids next year for like 150+ hours
did about 10 this year
golf team 4 years sectional and league champions
school ski club 4 years.
tuoring the other chem kids for labs
i am on the top 4 team for our quiz bowl team at our high school.</p>
PSAT/NMSQT at leat a commended student
bausch and lomb scholarship for math and science
rpi scholarship for math and science
boys state considered student, didnt get into it though
high honor roll and perfect attendance through high school probably wont hurt to mention.</p>
<p>sat IIs did well on chem am anticipating 770+, ush not so good, be lucky with 700+, taking bio and math IIC in the fall, anticipate perfect scores, will be studying over the summer</p>
<p>any advice to get into really selective schools, hyp, itd be nice to have to option for that even if i don't choose to go there, and which is best for neuroscience, and do i need more EC's?</p>