<p>what do u think? =)</p>
<p>I was reading a thread about this for another college a few months ago, and everyone said that arabs do not count as a URM.</p>
<p>So no I don’t think it will help. But good luck</p>
<p>Perhaps if you could get someone in your family to donate millions of dollars to the school, it might help.</p>
<p>wait if you mean you’re an international applicant from an arab country, then yes it probably will help. but definitely don’t bank on your ethnicity to get into michigan. it is a secondary factor at best, no matter what cultural background you have.</p>
<p>Since SE Michigan has an relatively high concentration of Arab and Arab-American folk, you wouldn’t exactly be a rare bird on campus.</p>
<p>ya…lol…well i’m not depending on my ethinicity to get in…i have pretty good grades! =D</p>
<p>svtcobra, i’m a UAE (United Arab Emirates) local applying to UMICH from a private school in abu dhabi…this question came into mind cuz not many locals here apply to colleges abroad…although many indians living in the uae do…so i just wanted to know if being an arab boosts my chances of getting in. =)</p>
<p>being arab does not boost your chances for admission.</p>
<p>Nationality plays a very small role in admissions. Yes, it is a factor, but a very small one.</p>