Will Binghamton Revoke my acceptance

I have made previous threads and decided to submit my deposit to Binghamton. Now i think I may be revoked for a lackluster senior year. Binghamton has not seen my senior year grades yet. They saw the 92 weighted gpa for the first three years. for senior year. I will be finishing with roughly a 89.625 for senior year unweighted, approx 92 weighted. I was in my hardest curriculum, last year I only took one AP, this year I took Two along with two other honors classes. I have also come pretty close to failing Honors physics after greatly struggling. I plan to study politcal sciecnce in college. Thoughts? could i possibly get revoked. Comments appreciated

Ds, Fs, felonies and fraud. Avoid them and you’re golden. Your 89.6 must be a solid B, right?

Remember, you’re worth more than a quarter million in tuition and fees. For your measly 3% points for one semester – which drops your cumulative GPA from 92 to 91.75 – do you think they’ll turn you out?

Your weighted average stayed the same. You’ll be fine.

Chill. I agree.

You’re fine. Good luck at Binghamton in the fall.