<p>This spring, I got accepted to Brown PLME. I was having doubts about whether or not I wanted to be a doctor and I’m from RI and was dying to leave, so even though I’ve been in love with Brown since I could talk I decided to go to another school instead. Now I’m not very happy at my other school and I’ve realized that I most likely do want to be a doctor, and that Brown was the right place for me all along. Over the break, I stayed with my friend at Brown and realized how stupid I was back in May. Brown was the perfect school for me and I gave it up for very shallow reasons. I want to apply for transfer to Brown, but I’m worried I won’t get in again. I finished high school strongly, but at my current school I think I’m going to end up with 2-3 As and 2-3 Bs this semester. I go to a top 20 school so that’s not too bad, but I’m not sure if that’ll be good enough for Brown. My friend who goes there now was telling me that if I emailed an admissions counselor about my situation I might be able to get in again without applying or even for the spring semester this year, but that sounds a little bit crazy, especially since it says that you must spend one year at college before applying to transfer. Would it be at all helpful to email someone and explain my situation and intent to transfer (and also ask whether I need to send my high school transcript all over again if they still have my other app on file), or should I just leave it alone and send the application?</p>
<p>Also, I realize that I won’t get into PLME again, but I still feel that Brown is a better fit and a better place to be pre-med.</p>
<p>Okay, so you do realize that you won’t be in the PLME program if you transfer (not now, not later), and have made that first step.
I agree with your friend to contact admissions NOW about transfer. There are extremely rarely some second semester freshman transfer students. (there was one on my students freshman hall). Those spots usually go to someone who was at Brown for one semester, and then for what ever reason (illness, etc) had to take a year off and then came back. (so they are not really a transfer). But if there is a vacant place, and no one in that category, you might be the next in line. (Highly qualified previously accepted student). (Note to others looking here for transfer advice: if you don’t fall into this category, I would NOT have you even consider this a possibility!)
SO, yes there is a very long shot that there might be a spot for you. Call or e-mail. If you happen to know the name of someone in admissions who worked on your folder last year (regional ad com) even better as a place to start.
If the extremely long shot of a spring slot isn’t there, then work VERY hard at getting your grades up next semester, and for finals this semester! for a shot at next fall, and apply asap when the transfer aps start being accepted. (which might be now?)</p>
<p>What school could you possibly have accepted over PLME??</p>
<p>I admit that the school I chose doesn’t match PLME in terms of prestige, but at the time I felt like I was making the best decision. I go to a great school, but many would argue that’s its not as good a school as Brown, especially as a PLME. For me, this isn’t about the prestige of the school. Yes, Brown is a great school and that’s a huge part of the reason I wish I had gone there, but I think that the fit would have been better and that’s the major reason.</p>
<p>It doesn’t sound very feasible that in 2 months you have now decided that you really want to be a doctor. Nor do I believe you have given the school where you are now attending a chance to really like it or fit in. Visiting Brown for a holiday weekend is not a reason why you think it’s now a good fit for you. Give your current school at least a year to decide.</p>
<p>If I gave the impression that visiting Brown this weekend is what made me change my mind, I apologize. Yes, I had a great time, but I’ve regretted this since early on in college. I grew up around Brown so I know it very well and this isn’t just some rash conclusion. I can understand why you think I haven’t given this school a chance because I have only been here three months, but that’s not true. I go out every weekend, I’m involved in clubs, and I like my classes. There is a general atmosphere here much different from Brown and I do not think that’s going to change. Regardless, I didn’t create this thread so people could tell me I’m being stupid, I created it to have specific question answered and I think that has been done.</p>
<p>hi, cfln93
What was your stats to be accepted by Brown Plme?
<p>One other thing you might want to consider in this decision is whether you really do want to be a premed at Brown. Brown has arguably one of the very toughest, and most discouraging premed programs in the US. So if you are making A/B s where you are, there is no guarantee you will make it though (orgo!) at Brown. It has a very high fail rate getting through both semesters. I’ve also heard complaints that all the help and support for premeds goes to the PLMEs and the rest of the premeds are left fending for themselves.
I’ve also heard that if you don’t include the PLME class in numbers, the number of students being allowed to apply to med school without taking an extra year for research etc (by the Premed deans office agreeing to write “the letter”) is extremely low compared to most/any other schools.
You should talk to some upper class premeds at Brown (or ex-premeds) before pouring your heart and soul into making this effort to transfer. On the other hand, if you are unsure whether you want to stay in the premed track, Brown is a great school for opportunities to change your mind!</p>