Will colleges care if your senior grades drop a bit?

<p>I understand colleges don't want you entirely giving up, failing or near failing classes, which shows a sign of irresponsibilty and how you would not contribute to the college. However, I'm close to the middle of my senior year now, and I've gotten these grades so far 1st quarter: Speech and Exposition:98, Spanish Level 5 Honors: 92, AP Euro: 93, AP Macroeconomics: 94, AP Calculus: 93, AP Biology: 90.</p>

<p>I'm not making excuses when I say my classes are getting harder, and to be frank, I just don't care as much at his point. I just want to be accepted at a prestigious university, and concentrate my efforts there. I plan to give a decent effort in high school from now on, but not kill myself trying to further impress colleges for a couple of extra points.</p>

<p>Therefore, let's say if those low 90s turn into high 80s, will colleges take notice and perhaps disconsider me for regular decision?</p>

<p>Are you for real?</p>

<p>I’m not joking at all whatsoever. Please give me a serious answer without insulting my intelligence.</p>

<p>If you are not already accepted, they might view it with some negativity. If you are already accepted, B’s are fine.</p>

<p>It depends on the college. For some colleges, senior year grades are more important than junior year. But I think overall, a little bit of drop is not a major concern.</p>

<p>Don’t colleges require your school to send mid-year and final reports? </p>

<p>I guess if you fail a class or get a C and you got into a prestigious school like an Ivy League, they would kind of take notice. But a couple of B’s and maybe an A wouldn’t hurt.</p>

<p>Okay, let’s answer this frankly, because when someone is stressed, a frank answer is best:</p>
