Will colleges/employers take my degree from UMUC seriously?

<p>I'm getting my Bachelors degree from a UMUC campus in Germany because it's the only thing my parents can afford atm. When I finish, I plan on getting a postgraduate degree from a good American university and then looking for work, but I'm really worried that me going to UMUC will prevent me from a.) getting into a respected college and b.) getting a good well-paying job</p>

<p>Will colleges seriously consider accepting me for a postgraduate program after seeing that I went to UMUC? I know it's an accredited school but it definitely isn't one of the best :(</p>

<p>It is true that most UMUC students are either current military personnel, or working people who have to study part-time. However, where I live many people who have tight budgets start at the community college and then transfer into UMUC for their last two years - several of Happykid’s friends have followed that route. This means that there are scads of UMUC grads who were traditional-age college students in this part of the country. Within Maryland, and the greater DC metro area, UMUC has a good reputation for providing solid education in the programs that it offers. If you move to any state other than Maryland, you shouldn’t have any greater difficulty in finding work than a graduate of a typical public university from out of state.</p>

<p>I don’t know anything at all about their grad school placement. You should speak with the campus staff, and find out how to locate that information.</p>