Will colleges look at this as weak senior courseload?

So for the past three years(and middle school), I had been taking about 10 AP as well as a few honors and IB courses. Up until now, I have only taking two normal courses, both were in freshman year. This year my course load looks something like this:

IB Higher Level English
IB HL Psych
IB HL History of Americas
IB Theory of Knowledge

Regular Info Tech Support class
Regular- Being an intern/TA class

Virtual School: Marine Bio Honors

Will this looks bad consider my previous two years had 0 normal courses and especially if there was no math(I am applying as an econ major)? I am applying to top 10 schools.

It might hurt you a bit, or cause them to wonder, but your previous accomplishments will definitely hold more weight.

I don’t see why it would hurt you to have a majority of IB :confused:

Haha of course not! You are still taking a good amount of IBs. Just because you decide to take a few normal classes that you didn’t do last year doesn’t lower any chances. Senior year course load does not matter much. As long as you still take IB classes, mixing a few with regular class will not affect you at all. Just keep your grades up and do not suddenly drop your grade. Good luck! :slight_smile: