Will colleges think I plagerized?

I stupidly posted my common app essay on here. I’m scared that colleges would think I plagerized if they decided to check. Is their any way I can get it removed?

You can try to get your post removed by using the “report post” function, but I think it’s very unlikely that CC would delete any posts. Anyway, I wouldn’t worry that much. Tons of people post their essays here everyday, and if they all got rejected for plagiarism, then no one would ever post an essay here. :wink:


I think this fear is overstated. What happens if an honest student ran his/her essay through www.turnitin.com to check for plagiarism (probably unnecessary)…then a college checks for plagiarism and it pops up as 100% (which it will unless a setting is changed)?

My hunch is falsified information and adult-written essays are the two most frequently detractors in college essays.

Tag a mod on the original post and request that it be deleted. From what I’ve seen, they will do that pretty readily.

The danger probably is overstated, but there’s no reason not to take the essay down.