Will colleges understand if I transferred high schools mid semester?

<p>I am currently a Junior in high school and the 1st semester has just ended. However, I moved across the state mid semester into a new school. As a result of this school being ahead of my other school, it took a TON of effort to catch up. I was able to do okay I'm the classes, but I know I could have done better if my living situation had been more stable. I am used to getting straight A's, (93+ is considered an A), but here are the final grades I received.</p>

<p>Honors intro to Calculus (attached to AP Calculus AB this upcoming semester)- 90</p>

<p>Honors English III- 91</p>

<p>Honors Physics I- 88</p>

<p>Honors Proficient Chorus- 100</p>

<p>I only made 1 A for my final average... in Chorus :/.... Do you think they will understand??? I would like to apply for NCSU and Virginia Tech Engineering, and I just hope this doesn't ruin those chances. Especially because Calc and Physics are important. I'm hoping to make up for it with Honors Chemistry and AP Calculus this semester. I just need some advice... I have a 30 ACT and have a current GPA of 3.77 UW 4.475 W, which I hope to increase to a 3.8 something UW 4.6 W by the time I apply to colleges (I have a heavily weighted difficult courseload this semester) Thanks.</p>

<p>Hey girl,</p>

<p>Don’t stress about it. Of course they will understand that you moved mid-semester of junior year–junior year is notoriously the most difficult year of high school which requires a lot of adjusting as it is, and changing schools and moving somewhere new only makes it even harder. In my opinion, you did fantastic given your circumstances and you have TONS of time to bring up your GPA. You’ll do great next semester and into your senior year. Don’t sweat it. Do YOUR best–in the end, that is all that matters and colleges will not even know about this very understandable hiccup. So retake the ACT when you’re ready or take the SAT, study hard (but not too hard!), and enjoy the rest of your year. </p>

<p>Thank you so much!</p>