<p>I was looking on Webstac, and it seems like a lot of the typical pre-med freshman classes are already quite filled up? For example, for gen chem lab, all the "good" classes are already almost all full and only unpreferred classes like late Friday afternoon or early saturday morning classes are open. How is it that so many seats have been taken for these classes already? If I go to a artsci summer weekend, will that help me get the classes that I prefer as opposed to having no choice but to register for the "leftovers." (i.e. I would get to register for a wednesday gen chem lab at the art sci weekend as opposed to I would have no choice to take a saturday gen chem lab class because I didn't register early at a art sci weekend)?
Thanks a lot!</p>
<p>If you think about it (at least I hope so), the MAJORITY of the class will not register during an artsci weekend. There are only 4 artsci weekends, 2 have occurred already, 2 have yet to occur, and i’m guessing maybe 100 kids will attend each. </p>
<p>One reason classes are already filling is because upperclassmen (sophomores+) can register during summer and those premed classes you are referring to aren’t only open to freshmen. The other two artsci weekends in June have also probably filled those up. </p>
<p>I guess this is also a matter of preference because for me I don’t care TOO much about the scheduling, as long as I get the classes I want. </p>
<p>Another Question: How are meetings with an adviser scheduled? Do they go by last names or first names or is it randomized? How do they make sure that the last person they meet with can get most of the classes he or she wants?</p>
<p>^I guess it is a matter of preference, but wouldn’t everyone agree that having to take a gen chem lab on a saturday morning isn’t preferred by most students?</p>
<p>The chem labs you see on web stac aren’t actually full- they’re going to open up to around at least 80 people a lab (according to webstac, there was one lab with 117 last fall). 20 people can fit into a room, and I think there are 5 or 6 lab rooms per lab section (it’s separated out by last name).</p>
<p>This is done specifically so that freshmen can get into a decent lab- as soon as freshmen can register, Kit Mao will open up the sections.<br>
The same thing is done with the 197 sections of physics so that freshmen can still get into the class.
(and yes, having a saturday chem lab would be miserable, imo)</p>
<p>and noob- upperclassmen have actually been registered since April. (just a note about upperclassmen registering).<br>
For advisors, which school are you in? It’s different for each school, I believe.</p>