Will I get in and get scholarships?

<p>Female (white)
4.0 gpa/4.0
5.1 hpa/6.0
rank 1/471
Act 33 (reading 36, math 32)
Senior Schedule is 5 APs and 4 dual enrollment
Passed 9/9 AP exams
4 other dual enrollment classes</p>

<p>Extra Stuff
Youth Leadership Program 11
National Honor Society 11-12
Science Honor Society 11-12 (pres. 12)
Math Club, Mu Alpha Theta 10,11,12 (secretary 11, vp 12)
Key Club 10
FBLA 9,10
Worked 15 hours a week for all of 11th grade
Interned at bio med research institution for 6 weeks over the summer
Ap scholar with distinction</p>

<p>I want to major in the sciences.</p>

<p>Yes and Yes.
You will get in and you will likely be looking at either 20k or 24k scholarship with probable invite to one of the Singer (full tuition) weekends. Do you plan on applying EA? Did you visit the campus and meet with admissions officer? Did you take the SAT?